June 2005 - 12:18:28 PM
16000 :
hey fucking gambling
troll don't you have other sites you can spam up, I'm filled to the brim with
semen because I can't find any spank material on this site because you keep
hiding it anytime someone posts something homoerotic.
June 2005 - 12:07:37 PM
15959 :
Dustin, what
gloryhole will you be working this weekend? I heard you sometimes work at the
Abbey, I've been sucked off there before. Maybe I'll bump into you sometime
you sexy bitch you.
June 2005 - 08:50:46 AM
15749 :
08th June 2005 -
12:59:04 AM
15426 : Ox (cont. from 15425) Screech, remember when everyone Pete regained consciousness and then crawled home? Remember when he spent the next 2 weeks in Intensive Care in the hospital? remember when he finally returned to Bayside and everyone caleld him "Poker Pete"? Remember how he thought people were calling him this because he liked to play Poker? Remember how people actually called him that because everyone knew that Nerdstrom had "poke" his schincter with his nerdy schlong? 08th June 2005 - 12:53:04 AM 15425 : Ox Screech, remember that episode where you were playing poker during lunch? Remember how you played at a table with Slater, Zack, Maxwell Nerdstrom, Mr. Belding, Mr. Tuttle, and another student named Pete? Remember how Pete was the delaer and would always bring two decks of cards to lunch so he could play? Remember how Pete was always trying to get you guys to play Texas Hold'em? Remember when he would write "play Texas Hold'em" multiple times on the chalkboards in the classrooms? Remember how everyone thought he was an annoying faggot for doing that? Remember when your tables was playing for nickels? Remember when Pete won the first 6 hands in a row and everyone thought something was amiss? Remember when Mr. Belding lost 50 cents, his soda money, and was irate? Remember when Mr. Belding poke Pete in the arm and said "are you cheating?" Remember when Mr. Belding's poke caused Pete to drop an extra deck of cards he had hidden in his sleeve? Remember when Belding said "you fucking cheating FAGGOT!!! Now you're gonna pay!!!" Remember when Mr. Belding picked up Pete and threw him against the wall of the cafeteria? Rememeber when Pete had the wind knocked out of him and was slow to get up? Remember when Slater kicked Pete in the ribs and then stomped on his head? Remember when Nerdstrom went nuts and tore off Pete's pants and started having unprotected buttsex with Pete? Remember when Mr. Tuttle pulled out his chubby, middle aged cock and gave Pete and golden shower? Remember when you kicked Pete in the stomache during this encounter? Remember when Mr. Belding dropped his pants and took a smelly shit on Pete's head? Remeber when Nerdstrom pulled his cock out of Pete's bloody butthole and blew his load in Pete's hair? Remember when Nerdstrom said "taht was good, faggot" as he picked up a chair and then smashed it on top of Pete's legs? Remember when Nerdstrom put on some golf cleats and did a little tapdance on Pete's hairless ballsac? Remember when this went on until the lunch bell rang 15 minutes later? Remember when you guys finished your fun and then Mr. belding and I picked up Pete and threw his mangled body into a dumster outside the cafeteria, leaving him for dead? Rememeber when years later Pete would go to various Internet websites and post gambling spam hundreds of times, filling up gay guestbooks with his annoying spam? What a fag! |
June 2005 - 07:43:16 AM
15747 : Jizzy Jeff
Fagbusters, you a
straight-up OG gangsta muh-fugger. Keep stickin it to the man, yo. Or even
better, keep stickin it IN the man, know'm say'n????
08th June
2005 - 02:49:15 AM
15728 : Fagbusters
June 2005 - 02:42:48 AM
15727 : Fagbusters
June 2005 - 01:32:42 AM
15692 : Fagbusters
June 2005 - 05:48:33 PM
15410 :
hi dustin I live in
your neighborhood and I have a bone to pick with you. I don't mind all the
partying you do, but I just wish you'd keep it in the house. I don't know how
many times I've looked outside to find gay sex going on in the front yard.
Once I caught you taking a shit on my bushes. we are a good clean wholesome neighborhood
and if you insist on having your gay orgies, we'd all just wish that you'd
keep them in the house. The house to the left of me told me about the time
they came out to see you sitting on the hood of the car getting oral sex from
Danny Pintuaro while shooting up heroin. We don't want you to move, we just
want you to cool it on the gay sex parties.
June 2005 - 03:04:57 PM
15398 : Dustin
Hey, thanks for
ruining my guestbook, you fucking douchebag!
June 2005 - 12:51:54 PM
15050 : Mad Max
Hey, gang. Mad Max here again. I know it's
been a while, but I have thought warmly of you all these past months and
remembered you in my prayers as I try to survive in the blasted wasteland of
the post-apocalytic world.
As I was battling a savage gang of Motorcycle Barbarians while trying to rescue the mayor's daughter of the struggling hamlet of Sweet Water, I remember that Christ once said, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth." As I blasted one of the Barbarians in the chest with my sawed-off shotgun, I told myself that the world, even after I die, will be all right. As the Earth rejuvenates itself and people gathered their strength and determination back from such bleak circumstances, Humanity will become gentler and more compassionate once this has all pass. And the world may see true peace for the the first time. In the meantime, I have to siphon out the gas from the cycles and dune buggies of three barbarians I just ran over with a runaway truck. God Bless. |
June 2005 - 11:24:02 AM
15046 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech,
remember how Zack and Slater used to fight over Kelly every episode? Remember
how they beat each other off literally and methaphorically? Remember how
Belding said they should sort it out like "men"? Remember how they
proceeded to a swordfight with their dicks? Remember how they fought over
Kelly in your ravaged, gang-banged, cockfucked hellhole you call your
bumhole? Remember how you exclaimed "Zoinks!" when Kelly saw your
tiny scrawny body being savaged? Remember how she joined in? No wait, this
was one of your fucked up drug-fuelled dream sequences... Remember how you
still wet the bed today? Remember how your mom took you onto Jerry Springer?
Remember how you exclaimed to Springer that "Hitler was right!"
Remember how he began to beat you up? Remember how his bodyguards joined in?
Remember how you ended up celebrating your 18th on your own in some asylum
somewhere called New Jersey? You sure got zoinked big time fuckwit.
June 2005 - 10:28:29 AM
15044 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech,
Remember when you married a male chimp? Remember how you'd put it into
diapers? Remember how you'd tease its genitals with your dick? Remember how
you dreamed you were on the Planet of the Apes? Remember the dream sequence
had you screwing male apes every which way but lose? Remember how you wanted
to get their "damn dirty hands" on you? Remember how by at the end
of the dream you realised that Planet of the Apes was really Earth? Remember
how you exclaimed the death of all humanity by proudly saying
"Zoinks!" before coming all over the burnt statue of liberty's
face? Remember how you shrugged your shoulders, woke up and kept screwing
your male chimp wondering if Planet of the Apes would ever come true ... You
sure were a dumb fuck back then weren't you?!
June 2005 - 10:19:04 AM
Please do a best of
remember when posting either here or on a blog somewhere. Thanks.
June 2005 - 10:12:07 AM
15042 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech,
remember when the school held its annual movie competition? Remember how you
decided to dress up as MC Hammer, complete with baggy trousers and
gangbangable hole for your poop-shoot? Remember how you made a really crappy
rap with a close up of your face screaming "ZOINKS!" every five
seconds? Remember how Zack thought it'd be funny to intersplice hardcore gay
pornography before every cry of Zoinks? Remember how you played the tape in
music class? Remember the tune? "Go Screech! Go Screech! Go (cut to interspliced
image of hard cock rammed up Slater's ass then a close up of Screech's
face)... ZOINKS!"... Remember how you were barred from school? Remember
how your tape made you the 80s version of the Star Wars Kid? Remember how
Belding used to come around to your house late at night to give you homework?
Remember how he anally pleasured your ass with his bent dick whilst you were
dressed up as MC Hammer belching "ZOINKS!" Remember how you remain
the social dickwad you are today?
June 2005 - 08:42:24 AM
15041 : Kurt
Poker queer, please
contact me for a hot lunch. I will spray warm, watery dihrrhea in your mouth,
fart on your head, and then give you a Texas Hold'em "poke" in your
- Kurt Steinberg |
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