Sunday, July 21, 2013 Guestbook Comments #2801-2850

16th April 2003 - 01:57:26 PM
2850 : David
I am drinking Keystone.

16th April 2003 - 01:38:57 PM
2849 : Dustin Diamond
Suck my baggage.

16th April 2003 - 01:24:59 PM
2848 : David
This is retarded.

16th April 2003 - 11:32:52 AM
2847 : Steve Johnson
I agree with Larry. I you aren't a fudge-packer, you shouldn't post here.

Dustin, let's get together! I really want to take a dump on your face! I'll eat some Taco Bell about 2 hours before you come over, so I'll be able to take a huge, nasty, smelly dump by the time you arrive at my apartment! You are going to have a blast. Speaking of blast, we can watch my favorite movie, Ass Blasters #7!

16th April 2003 - 01:25:42 AM
2846 : Larry Bloton
Non faggot guy (message 3000), get off this board! This is a queers-only board! No heterosexuals are allowed to post here. Dustin Diamond's webpage is for guys who like to toss other guys' salads!

15th April 2003 - 08:25:59 PM
2845 : zack jarvis
im a faget and stupid

15th April 2003 - 08:20:11 PM
2844 : zack jarfis
im the biggest fag in the world

15th April 2003 - 08:20:10 PM
2843 : zack jarfis
im the biggest fag in the world

15th April 2003 - 07:24:57 PM
2842 : morinator
dear screech dont listen to any of these homophobes baby,they dont understand,but i do and i think if we could just get together i would like to tear u another asshole

15th April 2003 - 05:46:50 PM
2841 : Ham Span
fuck you you you cunt i wanted to be three thousand shit shit sHIT! how fuckiling long till foru tghousand cock

 15th April 2003 - 05:21:10 PM

15th April 2003 - 03:41:36 PM
2839 : Marje
recently u did a gig at Joey's in dearborn I was the "49er" who was not happy with your show because of your language. this seemed to upset you, and you asked a lot of questions I would now like to answer.

Dustin I really feel you are a very talented young man. I see no reason for you to be gutter to be funny. U think u have to use the f word to b funny and for people to take you serious to, as you said "get rid of the screech image". If that is so, y do u bring him up thru out your routine?

You asked me if I heard of Carlin--long before u were born. I believe that real men and women and professionals don't have to use blue humor to be famous or funny-ever hear of Ed Wynn, Milton Berle, Red Skelton, Carol Burnette, Tim Conway, Jerry Lewis, John Ritter the list goes on. They are VERY funny and Famous.You asked me if I was your son would I b proud of you? you yes, your talent not your delivery. Is this how u speak to your mother? no need to reply. :) You wanted truth....

15th April 2003 - 12:21:17 PM
2838 : dude
get back to the fields nigger fore i wup yo ass!

15th April 2003 - 12:20:01 PM
2837 : elp me elp myself
yo wat si gowing on yo all fuck i know its okay the prowbleeme is wat that i cant use computa propa so i got to get clevar white mans to help me but i type this myself even though
i got clevar white man to read windows for dummies to me , but it way to complex, so i got windows for complete fucking morons, but even that be two hards for me, so does anybowdy now where i can get Windows for Niggers?

15th April 2003 - 12:16:10 PM
2836 : Ham Span
screech links for you all
screech playin chess
screech being interviewed / humiliated

15th April 2003 - 11:49:23 AM
2835 : Ham Span
go to
this is the website of some guy. In the gallery is a picture of him playing chess with screech!

15th April 2003 - 10:37:16 AM
2834 : Mark

15th April 2003 - 07:44:48 AM
2833 : Jospeh mobutu
Please help me! I too love Dustin Diamond, though his saved by the bells show hard to get in Nigeria, even so i watch whenever i can! I am in peril! I exiled from own country when my father, the king no less, deposed. Now his rcihes need to be extracated. Please, as a former royal i am entitled to priviledges, the people, including staff of the banks are still loyal to me. All you need do is arm yourself with weapon of gun, go to nigeria, find bank (there is only one) and walk in. Point gun at bank person and say 'give to me $30 000 000 000 of Joseph Mobutu's riches or perish. When this is acquired, emaiol the money to mes and you can keep two thousands dollars plus expenses for yourself! good deal

15th April 2003 - 07:23:39 AM
2832 : whats up?
Do me really quick favor. Send spam and hate to this email address.

15th April 2003 - 05:13:46 AM
2831 : Shawn Clennani didnt post that

15th April 2003 - 04:46:49 AM
2830 : mc hammer
nice site hamma time

15th April 2003 - 04:46:03 AM
2829 : Gary Coleman
ga damn this website is stupid in the 80s

15th April 2003 - 03:07:15 AM
2828 : Michael Jackson
Hi Dustin,how are you? What's all of this BS going on at your site? It makes me cry. I love to see you again, cum lets do sleep overs like we used to when you were little, u know I still like it.

xxx I love u Dustin

15th April 2003 - 03:03:02 AM
2827 : Oga

15th April 2003 - 03:01:16 AM
2826 : Male Horse Fucker
Dustin Diamond is a racist

15th April 2003 - 01:47:52 AM
2825 : Carl Carlson
Ham Span (message 2954), thanks for the link - that is a great interview. Dustin, you got clowned by a 15-year-old nerd interviewer!!! What's the deal? You should have showed him your chess moves - you two would have ended up in bed together!!!

15th April 2003 - 01:36:50 AM
2824 : hey baby
hey jeremy kort,
please fuck me

15th April 2003 - 12:37:24 AM
2823 : Rachel
I love Saved By the Bell and Dustin Diamond, no take that back.....I'm obsessed with Dustin Diamond. SBTB and DD ROCK!!!!

14th April 2003 - 11:59:57 PM
2822 : Racist Scum
Racist people are the dumbest people on earth, not blacks, we're all equal motherfuckers!

14th April 2003 - 09:42:16 PM
2821 : moke33
this place sucks

14th April 2003 - 07:53:29 PM
2820 : boobs

14th April 2003 - 05:21:42 PM
2819 : Ham Span
this is the coolest (non-porn) DD link ever! It's a video with an interview (humiliatingly he is being interviewed by a 15 year old nerd) with DD, cut with testemonials from his 'fans' and SBTB footage. It is embarrasing! especially when he tells god awful jokes. As the interviewer nerd says
"When you hear us laughing in the background, its mostly pity laughs. I was his biggst fan before i met him. It broke my heart."
It's quite long so maybe not for 56k users unless youre a big fan. On cable it runs no probs with almost no buffering time. By Dustins appeareance he may well be using Heroin. He claims to be working out......hmmmm.
Honestly, if you like DD enough to come here you gotta see this!

14th April 2003 - 05:15:11 PM
2818 : Ham Span
weird. I think we should turn into a pornography distribution network.

14th April 2003 - 05:09:44 PM
2817 : I like Boobs
Thatnks to everyone that has supported me and my need of boobies. To you, I tip my hat of. And to think, I got porn VIA a webpage about screech from saved by the bell...

What the fuck!?

14th April 2003 - 05:07:39 PM
2816 : Mr. Fight
any fan of Dustin Diamond will love these links!
loser diamond humiliated on food-date with TV slutter bitch
a Dustin Diamond fan page. I encourage you all to spam this lamer to hell and abuse him via email. Tell him i sent you. He'll understand

14th April 2003 - 04:36:46 PM
2815 : Ham Spanner
Let's drop the hate and talk about David Letterman. Does anybody have anything to say about David Letterman?

14th April 2003 - 03:39:47 PM
2814 : holio
done it. Now y'all email me sex pics!

14th April 2003 - 03:20:06 PM
2813 : I like Boobs
Please e-mail me with pictures of boobs!

14th April 2003 - 03:11:35 PM
2812 : PART 1
2933 : please all l9ight up the bored with loves
;-0 <======8
Am gay, white and proud. So it okay for you homophobe to critescaise inteligent whites for speaking there mind's by calling FAGGOTS? FUCKING HYPOCRITES! Gay is natural state, and so is black, but that doesn't mean black have a right to steal our money our squat and in our houses!

14th April 2003 - 03:11:23 PM
2811 : PART 2
All you nodes talking bout sex with Dustin it is obvious you only experience of gay love is internet porn and talking to eleven year olds al u do. White liberal nobes talking up blavck power like they eminem or David Leterman? FUCK OFF! You just teling peple what youre learned in schools trying to be cool cos you wish you could be a heavy, ugly negroid with uzi, nasty 10 inches donkey dangler and few rocks cracked in MY city! A white person no right in Africa, an African got no right ANYWHERE excert africa. I nothing against negroes, so please dont prejudice against us gay men, and if you want to talk about gay sex, TRY IT FIRST. All i say is, im immigrant but at lest i speak american languge! So blacks slave or go back! See me yto be times ive said this, i would kill them but they set me disease!

14th April 2003 - 03:06:24 PM
2810 : black power
rascism, homophobia and every thing else. Why no anti-americanism.
if anybody has any interesting anti or pro americunt statements, id wet myself with white wee to hear them.

14th April 2003 - 03:02:50 PM
2809 : listen confused
im new here, but most of the RECENT hate was by one guy, me. Most but not all i add. And funnily enough, i'm honestly not a rascist! If i could get one i'd settle for a black girlfriend. But i cant.

14th April 2003 - 03:00:32 PM
2808 : karen
oh my god, i think im in love

14th April 2003 - 03:00:25 PM
2807 : H.S.
OH MY GOD! somebody hs daubed that website adress every where! i swear it wasnt me! I JUST THIS MINUTE emailed ebaum, and he will be getting here any minute! he'll think i wrote it! Please, ebaum, i sent you those emails. Unless, ebaum, did you write your own web address over an over? email me ebaum i love you! Email me anyonE! im so alone!

14th April 2003 - 02:57:30 PM
2806 : confused.
What seems to be the connection between Dustin Diamond, and hardecore racists?
Why is there so much hate mail at this sight, Is he some skinhead or something?

14th April 2003 - 02:57:22 PM
2805 : thai
yeah dude, he music rocks. i hope this is serious.

14th April 2003 - 02:54:03 PM
2804 : adam
I hope this is a joke.

14th April 2003 - 11:53:04 AM
2803 : roy
i agree about the homophobia but please
SHUT THE FUCK UP FASCIST SCUM, dont you see the absurdity of posting this ona FAKE DUSTIN DIAMOND FAN PAGE?!
By the way, who is jessica? Her posts are always inoccent and beautiful and they stand
out like pearls of beauty in a clam of racism and homophobia. Jessica if you read this,
who are you? Why do you continue to post? You do realise this is not the real DD dont
you? Please continue, dull as they are your posts are the only thing near-decent on most
ps are you really a man?

14th April 2003 - 11:48:15 AM
2802 : please all l9ight up the bored with loves
;-0 <======8
Am gay, white and proud. So it okay for you homophobe to critescaise inteligent whites for speaking there mind's by calling FAGGOTS? FUCKING HYPOCRITES! Gay is natural state, and so is black, but that doesn't mean black have a right to steal our money our squat and in our houses!
All you nodes talking bout sex with Dustin it is obvious you only experience of gay love is internet porn and talking to eleven year olds, which some of you may well do often.
White liberal nobes talking up blavck power like they eminem or David Letterman? FUCK OFF! You just teling peple what yourve learned in schools trying to be supwecool cos you wish you could be a heavy, ugly negroid with uzi, nasty 10 inch donkey dick and few rocks cracked in MY city! A white person no right in Africa, an African got no right ANYWHERE excert africa. I nothing against negroes, so please dont prejudice against us gay men, and if you want to talk about gay sex, TRY IT FIRST you smallbones.
Gay love is gentle, why beat us?

14th April 2003 - 11:41:48 AM
2801 : what the government doesnt want you to know
Over almost seventy years, in study after study, conducted by scientists and educationalists in numerous countries, studies conducted by the US Army, and Harvard and Oxford Universities,on every measure of intellectual ability and educational attainment Blacks perform significantly worse, on average, thanWhites. In the case of average IQ, for example, the average Negro figure is only 85% of theWhite average. In fact the higher the proportion of White genes the higher the intelligence: a pure-bred Negro fresh out of Africa scores nearer 70%.