15th October 2002 - 02:38:39 AM
1350 : diepunkdie
Watch me die of cancer quickly at 2930online.com. If I was a cunt I doubt that I would have a penis to fudge-pack with. Thus your logic is flawed, no disrespect to the hard working women that pack fugde in to containers for consumers. They work very hard and deserve our support) Second to assume that someone is gay for being an annoying dick is counterproductive. Try learning the grammer of the English language that we have all come to agree with, and that has been taught in our schools. You see using cuss words can be fun and intimidating, if you do it correctly, but please finish high school first before for you attempt to insult someone you don't even know. Do come to your place of buisness and piss on the super-sized frys you're frying? No. Visit 2930online.com or retreat back to your parents basement to play Dungens and Dragons before masterbating to the Britny Spears poster you tacked to the ceiling above your bed. Asshole.
14th October 2002 - 03:42:53 PM
1349 : eh
14th October 2002 - 12:45:01 PM
1348 : gaz
you cunt. you fuckin no mark fudgepacker. die of cancer and hurry up.
14th October 2002 - 02:48:05 AM
1347 : diepunkdie
I got nothing.
14th October 2002 - 02:47:51 AM
1346 : diepunkdie
I'm going on a beer run. You guys need anything? Visit 2930online.com for more info.
14th October 2002 - 02:46:23 AM
1345 : diepunkdie
Big news everyone. The wait is over for Purple Monkey Dishwashers. NOW YOU can own your very own for a very affordable price. We have almost 3 whole technicians working around the clock spray painting monkeys a soft purple color and training them to wash dishes for no more than a pomegranate http://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff/pomegranate.html These fruits can be purchased at your local grocery store. Did you know that the capital of Tiwian is Taipei? I didn't until a few minutes ago. Good times. Visit 2930online.com
14th October 2002 - 02:07:12 AM
1344 : diepunkdie
Looking for something better to do than post to this site? Visit http://2930online.com/pathetisad/index.shtml. Comics, jokes, and other fun shit.
14th October 2002 - 02:03:06 AM
1343 : diepunkdie
I looked up "eat shit and die" on google and this site came up.
13th October 2002 - 01:01:39 PM
1342 : Bob
Great job on beating the shit out of the old man on celebrity boxing... YOU PUSSY!!!
13th October 2002 - 12:40:11 PM
1341 : Me
the person that owns this site is NOT the real Dustin... the person that owns this site is named Max Goldberg
13th October 2002 - 11:03:48 AM
1340 : John
I hope dustin is a hell of a lot cooler then this site is! What a mess.
13th October 2002 - 06:59:37 AM
1339 : laura steel
oh yes!jamie thorpe is so cute,he is hot,i am gunna shag him with dustin on the other side!
12th October 2002 - 09:12:13 PM
1338 : Tim
I wish i was as cool as dustin diamond, how dare you bad mouth him. Dont make me come in threr.....Dustin for president
12th October 2002 - 09:12:06 PM
1337 : Tim
I wish i was as cool as dustin diamond, how dare you bad mouth him. Dont make me come in threr.....Dustin for president
12th October 2002 - 03:20:31 PM
1336 : fuckwit of the century
this is total fucking shit.its gay, and fucked.take my dick and shuv it up your arses.you are all gay
12th October 2002 - 02:31:58 PM
1335 : Katarina
Hi!i'm here for the firs time,and i just want to let you know that i think Dustin is really cool,and he should just keep on like that.
12th October 2002 - 02:27:15 AM
1334 : Adam Cleary (MO)
Me again!! I got anus on my brain again!! Thought I'd let you all know!! Anyone down for a little excavation?? How bout a little brown out if you know what I mean? Anyone want to go deep-anus diving with me??
12th October 2002 - 02:22:18 AM
1333 : Adam Chandler Cleary from St. Chas. MO
Dudes, I am so gay that my boner has a mind of its own. It always crawls into my ass on its own. It needs no assistance. I tell ya, when I'm not boning some other dude, I'm boning myself!! That ain't no lie!! I love da anus!! Da anus for my panis!! Da anus is insanus!! I got anus on my brainus!! Greg Lugainus is so heinous!! Heinous for my anus!!
Adam Cleary
11th October 2002 - 06:24:47 PM
1332 : TJ
holy shit funniest site ever.....yeah my friends bands writing a song about u and we want a sound bite from u.....email me with ur response!! i love u SCREECH!!!! i wanna have sex with u.....u know that kinda hedro gay sex....:-s
11th October 2002 - 06:17:13 PM
1331 : TIM
Dustin Diamond Makes Jesus Look Like A Caterpillar. Long Live Schreech...and Patrick Duffy
11th October 2002 - 03:46:28 PM
1330 : Lil' Timmy From Down The Muthafuckin Way!!!!!
Haaaaaaa! you lame fuckin gay ass rabbit.. Go fix your "Fro" with so Afro Sheen you ugly fucking gay monkey-raping cheese-gimp!!! ARGH!! Screech:"Mr.Powers Needs To Go Pooping" Nurse:"Mr.Powers What Have I Told You About Crapping Your Pants??"
11th October 2002 - 01:18:39 PM
1329 : Nathalie Cadge
hi, how are you? I'm Fine. I think it really sucks that people write stupid things about or to you. It's not like that's the real you. I mean, you're a really good acter. Fuck all of them. Those people who said stupid things about you, they can't even get that fare life!! Well, Lots of Love from Nathalie C.
10th October 2002 - 06:27:45 PM
1328 : Mario Lopez
10th October 2002 - 02:36:59 PM
1327 : roni
screech you rule!!!! i luved you on sbtb! keep up the great job with acting.
10th October 2002 - 09:50:41 AM
1326 : sam davis
i have an enormous hard on over a pic of elton john
10th October 2002 - 09:50:11 AM
1325 : sam davis
i wanna fuck andy moule
10th October 2002 - 09:49:54 AM
1324 : sam davis
im a fuckin homo
10th October 2002 - 08:52:19 AM
1323 : Dave Crozier
I love you screech and i always will!! xxxxxxxxxxxx
09th October 2002 - 09:24:56 PM
1322 : ur pimp
You suck at acting and you are a faggot. No wonder you were on one show. I see you going into gay bars all the time.
09th October 2002 - 03:55:15 PM
1321 : Billy
I LUB YOU SCREECH! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
09th October 2002 - 04:22:42 AM
1320 : Zack Morris
I always f*ckin hated you, you faggot! I swear, if you tell anyone about that time we... well, anyway, just keep it shut! I'm gonna come and hunt you down and kill you! You're dead! See you later buddy!!
09th October 2002 - 04:20:01 AM
1319 : A. C. Slater
Yo! hows it going buddy! I haven't seen you for ages!! I'm living with Kelly now, after she ran away from Zack with me! I'm currently working as a bus driver in Ohio- come see me bud! Hope your keeping well, and give Lisa my love (and a good shafting!! uh!uh!uh!)
09th October 2002 - 04:17:20 AM
1318 : Kierzzz
I used to watch SBTB all the time, but the storylines were quite frankly sh*te. Like the time that you stole Mr Beldings car! As if! What the f*ck was that all about?! Anyway, you were a legend. Rock on!
06th October 2002 - 10:56:21 PM
1317 : andrew
whoever writes shit on this is really gay
06th October 2002 - 10:50:49 PM
1316 : andrew
You all are really gay i want you to eat my shit and choke on it because you are all gay you are all definitely biters of the banus and all your assholes should rot after you get fucked over and over and over and over again by a horse out on a ranch in hick kansas where your all probabbly from I mean if your name is BIG Sam thats pretty gay and you deserve to be shot by a japanese buiisness mans man juice.
05th October 2002 - 10:12:13 PM
1315 : LISA
Just wanted to confirm if the rumour was true, are you Neil Diamond's son?
04th October 2002 - 01:28:32 PM
1314 : biggdogg
Whats up man?just wanted to drop a line to let you know that I used to watch SBTB all the time.I still catch the re-runs and i still laugh at you charicter.I really want to know is where can i get your movie "Jane White".can I only get it on-line?if not where?well,im gonna dip.Later.
04th October 2002 - 10:43:50 AM
1313 : me, in uk again
ignore gay weirdo's, they're gross ppl, even if you were gay, (i don't give a toss about you're sexuality though) i doubt you'd give a shit about immature pricks like them below
see ya again
04th October 2002 - 10:40:36 AM
1312 : me, in uk
i have seen saved by the bell since i was a little girl, and you were always the one who made the show fun, good for you!
(ur website needs work though, don't you think?) anyway, everyone in the U.K loves ya!
02nd October 2002 - 09:24:16 PM
1311 : Brian "Big B-RI" White
hey dustin,
i have heard you are doing a gig at my college in nov. i was just wondering if this is true and if it is, i have a radio show there that i was wondering if you'd be interested in coming by. the website is bigshow.cjb.net thanks.
01st October 2002 - 07:00:03 PM
1310 : Adam Cleary
I am so tough that I once blocked a kick with my boner. You could say that I cock-blocked it!
01st October 2002 - 10:43:31 AM
Sam,Sam,Sam, why do you love ass so much? My ass is very tender but I bet your ass is very ripe and bountiful. Sam I am very gay for you.
01st October 2002 - 10:39:12 AM
1308 : AJ Burke
Hello, I am very muchly a gay male. I have a very stiff woody for all you men. You make me so horny when you stick out your hairy chests. I would ;like to swing my ball in front of your face like a pendelum. I hope you reply to this post because I REALLY WANT ALL YOU MEN!!!!!!!!!
30th September 2002 - 08:48:22 PM
1307 : Beer
dude you suck, and so does your website
30th September 2002 - 04:50:03 PM
1306 : dont try to look cute
sure you get girls but you make yourself look like a FAG while at it
30th September 2002 - 04:49:24 PM
1305 : aertg
30th September 2002 - 04:39:43 PM
i like human food chunks in preperation h handling chork trocal implizisers
30th September 2002 - 04:39:18 PM
1303 : CARCASS
take that t-shirt off, you make us look bad
30th September 2002 - 04:38:56 PM
1302 : satan
satan GORE
30th September 2002 - 04:38:48 PM
1301 : VIRGIN
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