10th April 2002 - 05:17:05 AM
900 : Richardo
I love you up Mr Diamond! I am a sex god!
09th April 2002 - 09:21:42 PM
899 : iCunt
hey screech, you're version of home on the range where you changed the words around was fucking great, you are more clever than weird al. so how bad is your crippling depression now? i have this wooden face i whittled out of wood that i set on my dresser, and i put an afro wig on it. i rub my penis on it until i shoot my load all over your face. it gets me through the day. i also cut off one of my ears and i mailed it to your P.O. Box. just like vincent van gogh. i'm saving my testicles for next year. dont worry, you're not a washed up loser with a shit career at all. hey,
i heard you're from san jose! thats cool. I fucking love you
09th April 2002 - 03:59:35 PM
898 : You're an ass
Fuck you. You'd think you have something better to do then pose as someone else.
09th April 2002 - 03:02:44 PM
897 : dont like you
do you think it is funny to steal someone's identity??
09th April 2002 - 02:18:20 PM
896 : someone
[SICO] is gay. Wow, you're really impressing people with your "STFU"
09th April 2002 - 02:16:18 PM
895 : Bitches
Wow, bunch of dumbasses, posing as Dustin
Fucking e-mail you pussies, you don't have the fucking guts, too busy sucking mother's cock
09th April 2002 - 04:42:51 AM
894 : Webmaster
I am sorry but I have to close down this site because of lack of funding. You have all been great visiting the site but the end is nigh.
08th April 2002 - 03:38:38 PM
893 : Dustin Diamond
Sorry, I've been away for a while and haven't had a chance to view the website, BUT SCREECH IS BACK NOW!! I have been receiving many emails and posts on the message-board regarding rumors about me. To set the record straight, I'll explain my little incident one last time. YES, it is true I was found floating unconscious in the hottub of my Encino apartment. YES, it is true that I was under the influence of methamphetamines (speed) at the time. And YES, there was a prostitute present also. But all the talk about me being dead is not true. I am happy to say that I kicked my crystal meth habit after 4 months of treatment. It wouldn't have been possible without the help of Dr. Simon Goldberg at Cedar Sinaii. It's just great to be back now and I'm ready to get on with my music and acting. I'm almost done with my latest project, "Saved By The Bell: Smooth Action." It's due out on VHS this August. Everyone take care and I'll talk to you again soon.
08th April 2002 - 12:16:40 PM
892 : Me
e-mail fdstatic@yahoo.com
08th April 2002 - 12:09:22 AM
891 : THE WAY
07th April 2002 - 04:43:27 PM
890 : MEEMOP
06th April 2002 - 08:16:40 PM
06th April 2002 - 11:23:05 AM
888 : breeze
Dustin, I have to hand it to you man, you are possibly the biggest twat I've ever seen. I used to own a T.V dut after watching one episode of that shitty show you were in, i sold it.
06th April 2002 - 03:49:16 AM
887 : Timmy
Saved by the bell mysteries at www.poop.com
05th April 2002 - 02:22:12 PM
886 : jo
hey Dustin. I have never seen the saved by the bell movies but i would love to. But i must of seen almost every episode of the origional saved by the bell. I like every character is great but you are really funny and i dont think your a stupid dork!! Do you ever get in contact with any other cast members. love jo
05th April 2002 - 09:26:08 AM
885 : Becky
ive just watched on trouble saved by the bell in las vegas where kelly n zag got married it woz cool and i also saw saved by the bell in hawaii that woz cooool screech ur funnnnny and cuteeeeee has zag really died in real life i woz told he died in a car accident
04th April 2002 - 02:00:42 AM
884 : kyle obrien
Hey Dustin,
How are you doing? My name is Kyle and i always thought you were the best one on the show. How can I see more of your stuff. You are soo cool. Write me back thanks!!
PS I liked the hawaii episode!!! YEAH!!
02nd April 2002 - 10:12:52 PM
883 : james
i can't really tell if this is the real Dustin Diamond who views this page. But going on the chance that it is...i have a quick question for you. Would you be interested in making an appearance for a youth retreat in Georgia. If so, that would be truly amazing and we would really appreciate it. If you contact me i can give you more info on the details. Thanks. (and please don't send me junk if this isn't Dustin Diamond....i already get the joke of trying to pose as someone else)
02nd April 2002 - 02:33:28 PM
882 : Jade
R u a poof.dennis haskins is a bastard.whats with the hair?Once again,r u a poof?
02nd April 2002 - 05:20:31 AM
881 : Arthur
I went on this site, and it said that you were found dead in a LA apartment. It said that you were found floating head down in your hot bath. Can you say to everyone, that this is not true.And can you also say that Mark-Paul Gosselaar is not Gay and did not marry Mario Lopez.
01st April 2002 - 07:01:23 PM
880 : brad
Ello Im just a stalker dont worry about me
31st March 2002 - 03:52:15 PM
879 : Camille
Are you an inbreed? you certainly look like it I mean were your parents like brother and sister? If not you've gotta be Fred West's son (english mass murderer) and Fred's son could have that hair.
31st March 2002 - 12:47:39 AM
878 : Mike
Hey what is your wrestling name?
Hopefully this is dustin diamonds site.
If so: you rock
If not than what a waste of time.
30th March 2002 - 02:04:55 PM
877 : Lee Bailey
Hi how you doing?
I just want to say I thought you were very good in Saved by the bell.
Was it hard to play your part or are you just really funny in real life?
What you doing now Saved by the bell has finished. is there a new series coming out. write back soon from Lee
30th March 2002 - 12:47:44 PM
876 : Julia
SBTB rocks! It always has! Youre awesome!
30th March 2002 - 10:02:21 AM
875 : Chris Hannaway
i mwatch your show it is really cool do you fancie Lisa in real life?!
29th March 2002 - 12:24:32 AM
874 : shmendric
tejans are pigfucking faggots
28th March 2002 - 08:14:39 PM
873 : Are you really that surprised
It is now an official requirement to have a permit to be constipated, following the dramtic and highly untimely entrance of six and twenty dozen illuminated cattle pokes, who, it is believed, were in search of baked bean-shaped fire extinguishers to use in order to establish a firm disapproval of the common scooter which has a habit of disappearing up blocked noses, especially when money is involved. Plans are now underway to ban religious centipedes from attending auctions. It is hoped that this will stick ancient, modern day cavemen's noses to the chests of 45 irritated school buses. Yesterday night, 245 sheep tanglers left their farms in support of the increasing amounts of oil dropping from the sky, in hope that walnuts will be less likely to thaw out over white sand, in future. An infuriated telephone box was spotted leaving a sperm bank with a sandwich box filled with what is believed to be a cure for the common cold, and is wanted for the abduction of horses, accordingly.
28th March 2002 - 06:09:12 PM
872 : vanro03
have you ever fucked a pig? you definitely have the "look".
28th March 2002 - 06:04:53 PM
871 : Thunder Collins
haz anibudy scene my website?
28th March 2002 - 04:17:25 PM
870 : bobby lang
fuck off you fucked up ugly pile prodder
28th March 2002 - 03:02:04 PM
869 : Kathryn
Hey! I used to watch your show, saved by the bell all the time! but now they dont have it on tv anymore! :( well, i think ur a really cute actor, and u were my favorite boy character on saved by the bell! well, love you lots! buhbye!!
28th March 2002 - 12:49:15 PM
868 : Adam
Uncle Charli is gay!
28th March 2002 - 12:20:25 AM
867 : vanro
I want to have sex with various Nebraska Husker men. Is that so wrong?
28th March 2002 - 12:14:25 AM
866 : uncle charli
Scre, er, Diamond,
For a long time I've wanted to feel you your man meat roasting in my oven of love. I hope we can arrange a meeting some time.
By the way, Episode #456 was totally rad. Definitely one of my favorites.
27th March 2002 - 11:29:06 PM
865 : Maya Angelou
Screech, honey, don't listen to the crackers. You are one sexy motherfucker, motherfucker. Peace.
27th March 2002 - 10:39:17 PM
864 : The Real Screech Powers
Hey buddy, please stop abusing my name on your fake site. Expect a letter from my lawyer as soon as we find out who created and owns this website. I ask you to cease and decist immediately.
27th March 2002 - 10:26:45 PM
863 : Vanessa
Dustin: I have to say that I agree with Jeremy. You are a fine actor, and "Saved by the Bell" is an inspirational television program. There should be more shows out there that promote friendship, practical jokes, and 80's fashion. I will never understand why it was taken off the air.
27th March 2002 - 08:18:53 PM
862 : Jeremy
Mr. Diamond, I believe that you are a fine actor and wish you the very best in your endeavors. As for the childish remarks made by most in here, they all go to VALLEY!!!!
27th March 2002 - 08:15:00 PM
861 : Nards
Screech - I want you to impregnate me. Dustin Diamond is a sexy bitch!
27th March 2002 - 02:23:02 PM
860 : Scrooge McJizmop
You piece of shit, I wanted to post a photo on this message board, but there's no fucking HTML allowed in this piece of shit message board. Screech, you are the best, but your message board is a fucking piece of cunt cheese.
27th March 2002 - 02:21:21 PM
859 : Scrooge McJizmop
26th March 2002 - 01:55:06 PM
858 : Damien Tyson
As if this site is really owned by Dustin Diamond, he has more talent than that of this web page builder pretending to be Dustin Diamond, sad!
26th March 2002 - 03:09:10 AM
857 : Justin
Dustin - Can you please explain to me what a Dildo party is? There is a big steak dinner riding on this. Please - settle this bet!!!
26th March 2002 - 01:54:04 AM
856 : ...
you all are fucking faggots
26th March 2002 - 01:52:17 AM
855 : Corpis
For someone that was an actor and has a website domain you really need to get a better lookingsite. My newbie sister made one better than this.. =|
25th March 2002 - 02:18:06 PM
854 : ME
Howdy my dear sweet feartherd friend,
i'm from huston, Texas! I really think you're a great actor and you should star in a big movie! is there some place where we can meet? I really wish that there was another way in which i could see you! it hurts me deep inside that i can not touch your sweet soft dic, i Love you and i think that we should be together because we are so alike! I'm good looking and so are you! Please e-mail me!!!
loadsa luv
Mary-lou Bethjorkindonnawaysonslol
25th March 2002 - 02:11:19 PM
853 : Ivona Humpalot
Its different here, it cold here so cold it goes deep into ur bones but there is one place i can go 2 find warmth and that is to think of u :)
This is sent from England tat is why it is sooo cold!!!
Your best fan ever
Ivona Humpalot
25th March 2002 - 02:07:37 PM
852 : SEXY
Oh my dear sweet dustin,
Everyday that we are not together i look at the sunset,
and after its long hard day i try to draw the last ounce of heat and send it from my heart to yours:)
Love your number 1 fan
Sandra Iwannafucku
25th March 2002 - 02:03:14 PM
851 : Pandora
Dear Dustin,
I wana lick lick lick lick u from ur head 2 ur toes!!!
I looooooveeeeee u an no1 can loooovvvvvvvvveeeeeeee u more than me!!!!
c u around cuti
Looooooovvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeee Pandora
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