Sunday, February 20, 2011 Guestbook Comments #1001-1050

28th May 2002 - 06:16:46 PM
1050 : Harry Wiener
What the fuck is this? You got your own fucking faggot website? The writing is goddamn pink. I can't wait for the day when that flaming fag Mario Lopez sticks his dick up your ass on live television. You sweaty, maggot licking, ass fucking, dick cheesing fuckhead. You are a saltine cracker with smegma smeared on it.

27th May 2002 - 07:28:49 PM
1049 : Dustin Diamond
Hey guys, I just wanted to say that I can't cover up my homosexuality anymore. I love sucking dicks. Fuck my ass!!! I'm such a pussy piece of shit. I can see why you guys don't have any respect for my frail body. I'm as dirty as a used condom.

27th May 2002 - 06:46:31 PM
1048 : 1337 LaseK :-D

27th May 2002 - 06:07:38 PM
1047 : vlada
hi Screech,
greetings from Yugoslavia,you are so popular in our poor
country,you little scumbag.
I think Megan Jones is a really hot chick.She drives me
crazy when I think of her hot pussy.

26th May 2002 - 08:19:39 PM
1046 : Ronad McGonad
The first thing I'm gonna do, Screech, is personally ejaculate into your mouth. Suck my dick! You punch like a girl, you freaking pussy.

26th May 2002 - 08:16:13 PM
1045 : Harry Smaggot
You penis wrinkle. Get the fuck out of here. I turned on the tv and saw you on Hasbeen Boxing and I exploded: "That faggot piece of shit is still alive?! What the fuck?!" I said this right in front of my kids, for God's sake, you maggot. You filthy tampon. Everybody knows you're a worthless asshead. Your tiny penis is bulging out of your size 12 underwear. Why don't you do something useful and take a dump in your mouth.

26th May 2002 - 08:10:50 PM
1044 : Dick Cheese
Let me start off by saying you are the biggest pussy in the world. The only person you could beat up was that old fag from Welcome Home Cotter. You disgust me, you cheese dick. If I had to fight you, I'd use the Nathan's hot dog treatment on you, you crusty, rotted, maggot-filled vagina. It looked like you glued your pubes to your mouth in order to look like a man. Where's A.C. Slater to save your worthless ass now, you shiteater?

26th May 2002 - 07:34:36 PM
1043 : im not belding and i hate faggots who say they are
i wanna start off by sayen whoever is pretending to mr belding is a fucking faggot that cant spell anything right you stupid bitch. as for screetch you where a pretty good actor, but whats up with these roomers ive been hearing about you all i heard was some shit about you and 2 other guys in a locker room then someone locked the doors on you guys so you where trapped in there for like not even an hour and im not even gonna say what i heard from that point but trust me theres alot more, so thats why im sayen if i ever see you or that fuckin faggot pretending to be belding in public ever im gonna beat the shit outta both of you especially that little punk bitch pretending to be belding i got some hacker kid im friends with right now hacking into his computer to find some shit out about him

26th May 2002 - 07:17:08 PM
1042 : JT Money
What the fuck r u gonna do if we keep makin fun of u? If it were me on celebrity boxing u would have gotten ur ass beat u fuckin faggot. And what the hell is all that talk about u bein a famous actor and sex symbol?? Your pathetic and u need to get out of denial. Leave me an e-mail if u got somethin to say

26th May 2002 - 05:13:41 PM
1041 : lil
I know Anne Jenson. I know things about you.

26th May 2002 - 12:35:45 AM
1040 : Monkey Dude
Damn, you people are hilarious.

25th May 2002 - 09:26:47 PM
1039 : Mr Belding
Scretch I love u, please come back 2 me, ever since saved by the bell the new class was cancelled i have been horny for u. Maybe me, u, Mark (zach), Mario (slater) can play cops and robbers on the set of NYPD Blue, Dennis Franz can join to if he likes, only this time u 3 can put me in detention. so dusty, i want to have a big taste of Samuel Powers

25th May 2002 - 09:10:57 PM
1038 : AC SLATER

25th May 2002 - 12:08:18 PM
1037 : Smarty
Hahahahaha!!! Screech is the biggest fag since Bob Fagit! You're a retard dude! I met ur 'sensai' in California, that short black haired crazy-ass mother fucker; another retard!

25th May 2002 - 10:36:11 AM
1036 : The real Screech
You pussies better stop making fun of me, or I'll make you look like Horshack.

25th May 2002 - 10:12:31 AM
1035 : Gina
Hi Dustin! Loved you on Saved By The Bell and just had to watch you on Celebrity Boxing. I felt a little sorry for that little guy from Welcome Back Kotter, but you were just doing your job, right? *grin* Congratulations on your win!

25th May 2002 - 09:12:29 AM
1034 : jackrabbit
Does brain damage hurt much?

25th May 2002 - 02:51:04 AM
1033 : Dianna
I'm just trying to figure out what you're doing these days, as far as acting goes...

25th May 2002 - 12:39:47 AM
1032 : A Somebody
Me Again, I saw the message you recieved from chris alanis and would like to address him personally but since I can't Ill do it here, Chris whoever you are, Get A Life.

25th May 2002 - 12:36:56 AM
1031 : A Somebody
Hey, I sincerley hope that people don't leave stupid, profane, insulting, or otherwise improper messages in your guest book, I have a website all my own and it is nothing but negative attitude, I really hope that you dont get any of that shit.

P.S. I saw your celebrity boxing round and my congradulations to you

24th May 2002 - 07:10:41 PM
1030 : Another Fernando
Who da man?
You da man!
Who da man?
You da man!
Who da man?
You da man!
Who da man?
You da man!
Who da man?
You da man!
Who da man?
You da man!
Who da man?
You da man!
Who da man?
You da man!
Who da man?
You da man!
Who da man?
You da man!
Who da man?
You da man!

24th May 2002 - 06:04:27 PM
1029 : fernando
does anyone know if screechese is older than Ronaldo? I am talking about the brazilian national soccer player. the one with bad knees. i am involved in a little wager concerning this issue, so if anyone gets me information, there may be a reward. thank you. my name is bart. I live in michigan.

24th May 2002 - 05:11:20 PM
1028 : Someone
Big ED, you are the biggest fucktard i have ever witness post on a website. You think you're "hard" a "thug" wanting to fight Dustin Diamond, what a pussy you. Just go back into the kitchen, eat your pop-tarts, then mommy may let you watch some cartoons.

24th May 2002 - 04:59:08 PM
1027 : Rick James

24th May 2002 - 04:27:25 PM
1026 : Dick Verbeek
Yo, shoot outs! Did you see that goal. Damn nut sack, fucking aids carrying cunt rag, that's what you are. Don't play stupid with me, sunny boy. I know the law, for I am a teacher. Where did Harold go in all of this Smoke. Smoke, what smoke. Smokey and the Bandit, worst film I have ever seen. Crack Cocaine is very good and Screech is my gay lover. Goodbye from donnington.

24th May 2002 - 10:38:41 AM
1025 : Rabid Squirrel
Meat..I like meat...You like Meat...Meat is good.. *bites Screech's leg*

24th May 2002 - 10:23:49 AM
1024 : Monkey
Geeze, why do so many people come to this page and sign it? I don't get it. If he's such a loser, why do people even bother typing in Dustin Diamond on a search engine and finding this site here?

24th May 2002 - 12:04:03 AM
1023 : Richard Belding

Shit, bitch.
Damn that Zack.
Miss bliss gives fresh head

23rd May 2002 - 06:29:33 PM
1022 : anonymous
Dustin how come u stayed at our school for like five minutes?????? plz come back to South Milwaukee High School.
GO ROCKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23rd May 2002 - 05:57:11 PM
1021 : The Lawyer
This site would seem to be a lawsuit waiting to happen. Why didn't Mr. Diamond just sue the creator of this site instead of stooping to "Washed-Up Boxing II"? It would have been a little less embarrassing, at least. I mean, he may forever have the stigma of Screech, but someone taking his name as an internet domain just to make fun of him seems rather on the slanderous side. Not that I'm a Screech fan, but give the guy a break. At least he didn't get arrested or become a porn star like just about everyone from "Diff'rent Strokes."

23rd May 2002 - 05:10:57 PM
1020 : Jesus
wow, look at this crappy website- must be a reflection of Screech's career. Did anyone see the Celebrity Boxing? What a joke that is. What have we co to as a nation to accept this form of entertainment? First of all Screech IS NO celebrity, he's a fevered ego here to taint our collective unconscious. period, case fucking closed. Second of all did you see him box? what a puss!! Fucking Gary coleman could have kicked his ass.
In his credits it says he is a comedian. comedian my ass!! What has he ever said that has been funny?

He is off the artistic roll call forever, he sold his soul to America to fucking bovine us all with contributing to the demise of this fucking stupid country....idiot.

23rd May 2002 - 04:56:37 PM
1019 : you
Oh yea times must be really good for Screech the Geek, now he is doing really cool things like Celebrity Boxing to show how cool and tough former geeks can be. Guess what? It didn't work you still are a geek. And you fight old men like the girl you are!!!!!!!!!! Such a shame NO MATTER what you do in life you will always be Screech. nothing little dork, it's hard being a celebrity child huh? No one wants you when you get older so you have to sink low to the crap you are now doing. Just go away and understand you will never be anything but a washed up actor!!!!

23rd May 2002 - 04:56:05 PM
1018 : me
Give it up!!! It really goes to show you how hard up Dustin is to do something so degrading as Celebrity Boxing, not only that, but he beat up an old man!!!!! He fights like a little sissy pussy girl. NO MATTER what you do you will ALWAYS be known as Screech. You are washed up and you fucking suck.

23rd May 2002 - 04:47:01 PM
1017 : Big ED
You Dustin, you little bitch ass ho. I would like to see you fight a guy approximately the same size differential that was between you and Horseshack. Let see, he was a buck 30, and you weighed 190something. I weigh 250, and the way I see it, me fighting you would be the same as you fighting horseshcak, cept the roles revered. But5, i would put alot of money that you would not show near the hearet that horseshack did with you. Matter of fact, i would not let you escape the first round you dumbfuck. I cannot believe you are so hard up for $50,000 that you took that fight. you are pond scum asswipe. I see you on the streets of San Jose, you better run the other way, dipfuck.

23rd May 2002 - 04:46:55 PM
1016 : SHAN
I think you suck, you took Celebrity Boxing way to serious and I could tell after you won the fight and you and Ron were standing together you felt like a piece of crap for beating him up like you did. You should feel bad and I really think what you did to Ron was awful. Don't get me wrong I'm not "Pro Ron" I just think he's way older then you and you should of taken it easier on him. I guess it's true all the little geeks grow up into older geeks and learn things Kickboxing etc. to make up for what a dork they used to be and still are. You can take the geek outta the school, but you can't take the geek outta the geek!!! Oh yea your beard looks like crap also

23rd May 2002 - 01:10:46 PM
1015 : Dude
Uh...yeah, there is no way that this is Dustin Diamond's site. Plus, your spelling sucks.

23rd May 2002 - 12:37:36 PM
1014 : michaelspice
thanks for all the laughs and to all the good times in the future!!!

23rd May 2002 - 12:04:01 PM
1013 : Dani
How are you doing?! This is Dani from Stanfords Comedy Club in Kansas City. I heard you were on Celebrity boxing last night. I'm sorry I missed that! Anywho, I just wanted to say hi and see how you've been. Shoot me an e-mail sometime! :)
Take care,
P.S.- Nice choice of colors! I would like to see like a little more w/ your site though!!

23rd May 2002 - 12:00:54 PM
1012 : chris alanis
u suck screech

23rd May 2002 - 09:13:33 AM
1011 : Your Boxing Trainer
Skreech! Quit showboating in the ring! Punch that 50 year old fuvk! What are you afraid of?! He's going to tickle you to death with his womanly glove-work?! that guy couldn't knock out a fly! Now quit flexing and punch! PUNCH! PUNCH!

23rd May 2002 - 02:58:22 AM
1010 : Jesse
This site is funny. It's obviously not for real. These color choices were handpicked by a prankster to create a sheer sense of annoyance for anyone that views them. The animated gifs and midi music are absolutely awesome. Kudos! I'm not joking either because I realize the site has to be a joke, so for that.. you have succeeded.

23rd May 2002 - 12:26:52 AM
1009 : replay
Screech, WTF are you picking on some old geezer for?! You punked him good. He almost had a heart attack! His dentures almost fell off! Pick on someone your own stature. BRING IT ON PUNK!

22nd May 2002 - 11:27:39 PM
1008 : RazorStar
This site can't be for real. Hon, if you want to impress people, you need a better site. There's lots of designers out there that could really make you something, well...tasteful.

22nd May 2002 - 10:45:07 PM
1007 : Horseshack
Screech you lousy son of a bitch! You broke my friggin' nose! Didn't you see me flailing like a little girl? Couldn't you have takin it a little friggin' easy on me? Didn't you feel any pity for my sad & pathetic display of manhood? Next time why don't you fight Chyna - she's got bigger balls than you, you little bag of hamster crap!

P.S. Are we still on for that handjob in the shower?

22nd May 2002 - 09:49:00 PM
1006 : Laura
Is this really The Dustin Diamond's website? Or just a prank by someone? Well, anyways, Dustin did a great job in the Celebrity Boxing. He totally kicked that little guy's ass. It was nice to see that Dustin even held back, 'cause on the practice clips, it was obvious that he can hit harder than at Ron.

22nd May 2002 - 09:17:47 PM
1005 : Paul

I just finished watching you fight on the celebrity boxing event. I would say stick to acting but, you weren't that good at that either(no to say I didn't enjoy (SBTB)) Keep up the good work bro!!!!! Next time fight someone you own size!!!!!!!!!!!!

22nd May 2002 - 09:14:08 PM
1004 : monkii

22nd May 2002 - 09:12:45 PM
1003 : Angel
I grew up watching, SAVED BY THE BELL. I always wonder what happened to Screech. I know the one that played Zack Morris is now on NYPD Blues. I watch mario every night on the other half. My dad is watchin the celebrate boxing thing, and I saw you on it. Have you done any movies since back then? lata.

22nd May 2002 - 09:12:42 PM
1002 : Elisha
I grew up watching, SAVED BY THE BELL. I always wonder what happened to Screech. I know the one that played Zack Morris is now on NYPD Blues. I watch mario every night on the other half. My dad is watchin the celebrate boxing thing, and I saw you on it. Have you done any movies since back then? lata.

22nd May 2002 - 09:10:50 PM
1001 : charles
Nice job on celebrity boxing!

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