Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dustindiamond.com Guestbook Comments #101-150

01st August 2001 - 05:52:06 PM
150 : ben
dude, i heard you played bass in a band but i can't find it! you need to link it from this page!

01st August 2001 - 02:46:23 PM
149 : eddie
duuuuude , your a sick sick little man screech , but kelly was definately hot , just seen some movie with her not too long ago ..well , peace n shit .....
"so this is how it feels to die , but its ok"

01st August 2001 - 02:21:25 PM
148 : Kat
in my dream last night, i fucked Screech. Not dustin, but Screech. it was good. -Kat =)

01st August 2001 - 02:54:22 AM
147 : Toubabo Koomi
You represent all that I aspire to be. I salute you, good sir.

01st August 2001 - 02:01:12 AM
146 : ONIT
you are such a loser....i bet you are broke as hell aren't you

01st August 2001 - 12:35:26 AM
145 : drew
you are the bomb !!

31st July 2001 - 10:44:55 PM
144 : hot
hahaha..........ppl accually cum here!!!! Im likin it.... and yah...that Kelly chick is pretty damn hot...u should e-mail her or sumthing ; ) ......bootylicious!!! rrrraaawww

31st July 2001 - 09:46:14 PM
143 : master of space and time
i heard screech was mike d's brother (beastie boys) is this true? can it be so? i hope it is!!!

31st July 2001 - 06:06:46 PM
142 : *Kelly* <----is hot
k.....Screech is the koolest fuckin guy eva!!!!! Saved By the Bell kicked sooo much ass!! but this page totally sux ass :S ..my bro told me 2 check it out cuz it was
hilliours.....umm......meh :S...wut?? im hot?? ok ...if u say so......

31st July 2001 - 05:41:22 PM
141 : Richie
Screech, you were in the best movie ever made, in the history of the world, saved by the bell: Hawain style. You are a god.

31st July 2001 - 04:46:59 PM
140 : god
if i was going to pretend to be someone famous, i'd shoot a little fucking higher than that dork screech. he needed to be hung by his balls when he was on t.v./get a life weirdo.

31st July 2001 - 03:53:14 AM
139 : zaz
Jesus fucking christ This is the worst page I have ever seen. My freakin 5 year old brother could do a better job. But then again he is probalby smarter than you are .

31st July 2001 - 02:43:24 AM
138 : tORCHer
You always were a fag! Get it together man.

31st July 2001 - 12:18:33 AM
137 : stoner dave
Dude, I am stoned as fuck, do you smoke weed?

30th July 2001 - 11:11:18 PM
136 : Dustin Diamond
Hello, I reed tar ded sofa king reed tar ded

30th July 2001 - 06:29:27 PM
135 : Jesus Christ
What the hell is wrong with you people? I see all, know all, and STILL don't know what's wrong with you people. Stop making homsexual cracks and get a life! You might not get a second chance...like I did. Oh! And for those of you who want to know the meaning of life, it's 7. Peace out.

30th July 2001 - 02:37:02 PM
134 : gOATSE

30th July 2001 - 10:18:33 AM
133 : bill
Dustin why dont you call me anymore? I thought you said i was special.I miss the nights of us being alone together. But you are just like everyone else you just use me
Love Bill

30th July 2001 - 05:15:06 AM
132 : Dung Ho
ah. mr. screech. where is mr morris? or that slut tiffani-amber theslutsen? did you bend that girl over and give'er a what for? i personally would slap that bitch silly with my cock.

dung ho

30th July 2001 - 04:52:40 AM
131 : Jay Em
Hi Dustin. You're my hero. All the girls I know think you're hot and I strive to be like you. I think you should write a book about getting laid, cause you have to be an expert by now. You are the man, all our base are belong to dustin. You roXXorz.

30th July 2001 - 04:01:23 AM
130 : Tipper Gore
Hello Dustin, i am concerned parent Tipper Gore (As seen on Oprah). I have decided to take a break from protecting children from Prince and other tools of satan to have your baby. We can name him Jesus.

30th July 2001 - 12:36:27 AM
129 : Krissy
What the hell happened here!?

29th July 2001 - 12:03:10 PM
128 : Jess Harness
Why aren't you as cute now as you were when you were Screech in the first ever series of Saved by the bell?

28th July 2001 - 07:25:00 PM
127 : PedophileMan

28th July 2001 - 05:43:34 PM
126 : dogshaft
hi, i would like to be your girlfriend, thanks for stopping by, bye

28th July 2001 - 11:09:08 AM
125 : w00t
Ummm my posts keep disappearing, funny that

28th July 2001 - 02:38:40 AM
124 : Jezus
What up, buddy? I need to lick myself, like a cat. I can't reach it, buddy. Lick it for me? I'll understand if you say "no". I'll just practice extra hard, pal. I don't want to toucj it with my hands, because they're so unpure. They blood is on my hands. I listened to too many confessions today. Being a preist is kind of stressful. I want your manness inside me, O God, forgive me.

28th July 2001 - 01:03:59 AM
123 : Me
Is this really screech's web page? haha
This is a joke,right

27th July 2001 - 07:24:46 PM
122 : Some girl
Hey there baby, I jes wanted to let you know your baby is doin' jes fine. We're on foodstamps now, and got us some housin' over in da developments. Maybe when you get your white ass unbusy you can come on by and do some crack with us. Your son does it jes like you do, with his eyes rolled up in da back o' his head.

Your ever lovin' crackwhore,

27th July 2001 - 06:36:14 PM
121 : Cheese
Some idol eh?

27th July 2001 - 06:14:10 PM
120 : Joni
Hi,how are you? You are an awesome guy. You are an awesome actor, I really enjoy watching save by the bell, I have seen almost very episoded, i love it, your cool, hope to hear from you soon, take care

27th July 2001 - 06:50:08 AM
119 : Moo
Moo. I'ma cow.

27th July 2001 - 06:12:32 AM
118 : Aaron

27th July 2001 - 06:08:58 AM
117 : Dustin Diamond
please buy my chess video i need to buy some more heroin and crack to give my dog plz
wvu kthx www.thegamester.com

27th July 2001 - 02:32:48 AM
116 : Shenz
screech woz kool when i was like 10, now your just a big raging poofter dustin pah hahaha. oh hew gawdess gimme a line sumtime will ya?

27th July 2001 - 02:24:41 AM
115 : Mr.Goatse
dustin, your not even in my league. Now stick your head up my ass and wiggle it around....yes feel the power of the goatse you only wish you had mortal!

26th July 2001 - 11:38:09 PM
114 : Dustin Diamond
hi glad you all are enjoying my site. heh heh i might take goatse up on that offer.....

26th July 2001 - 11:32:54 PM
113 : 3r33t_HaXoR
www.goatse.cx, your boyfriend is calling.........

26th July 2001 - 11:32:45 PM
112 : Nny
Hi, I'd just like you to know. I was a fan. I've been awake several days now... And things just keep making noise, such horrible horrible noise. The screaming won't stop, they never stop screaming. I'm guessng the don't like the smell of their dead children laying out before them. Three weeks usually makes a corpse all stinky-like. Um, anyway. I'm a fan... Screech.. don't make me call you Dustin, because you are Screech. DON'T FUCKING ARGUE WITH ME SCREECH! I can seeee! O yes! I can seeee! Don't glare at the computer that way! Um, anyway...I have to get back to..work. You're good, Screech. Stay good. You'd better not change, Screech.
Johnny C.

26th July 2001 - 11:25:51 PM
111 : Gawdess
Muhahahhhahaah. Dusttin, Screech, I want all of your babies. FEED ME BABY HEADS! RARG! I love you soooooooo much. I was at your house today, I like the new thing ya got- it's neat-o, budddy. Love me? http://www.freecondoms.com/sexjokes.asp Love me! I give you free condoms..to use! on ME! ooooo, I'm trembling. I love you! o! o!

26th July 2001 - 03:56:39 PM
110 : weedave
you think this site's gayer than http://www.goatse.cx

cos MAAAAAAAAAAAN, that's gay

26th July 2001 - 09:40:07 AM
109 : Taylor
You cannot believe how much you suck ass. that was the GAYEST thing i have EVER seen. you know this guy does not get laid.

26th July 2001 - 07:52:45 AM
108 : BORED
this is the gayest thing ive ever seen

26th July 2001 - 05:47:20 AM
107 : wraith
i think orl those peepal onlee sined yoor gestbook beekuz they r jelos.i think yoo r kool dustin. eye lyke yoor hare. it is grate. eye think yoor grate.

26th July 2001 - 04:59:33 AM
106 : Neubaten
Hallo/Ich bin Sven, und ich bin von Deutschland! Ich pflegte, gerettet durch die Glocke zuzusehen, und Sie waren einem kleinen verdammten Punker ähnlich. Ich wette Sie sind noch ein großes Kätzchen jetzt! Sie haben auch eine große Nase, wahrscheinlich davon, an anderen mens Eseln zu schnuppern!! Auf Wiedersehen! Sie Schwächling

26th July 2001 - 04:54:43 AM
105 : Big Steve
Hey Dustin I used to have a really huge crush on your skinny little ass. I always into geeky fucking nerds..Even though Im a jock. I still masterbate thinking about your little anus. I would make you into my little bitchslave. And you would wear a strap on cause with the little wang you have my ass wouldnt feel a thing. Later my lil bitch!

26th July 2001 - 04:50:30 AM
104 : Uncle Stiles
w+Ph 1S +H15 PiEc3 opH C0w$H1t??
DoWn wi+H sCre3cH!!
+h15 p4ge WILl 8e H@X0REd In 2 D4y$ CouR+E$Y oPh
+h3 el1+e HaCk 5Kw@d

26th July 2001 - 04:47:06 AM
103 : chicken on drugs
Hey you wanna come shoot some H with me? I always thought you were the type for it...being your so skinny and fucking ugly..ive never tried it myself but I thought to myself hell.. It could be fun and you could show me how to do it an all...since of course..your a fucking ugly skinny bastard...i figured your pretty good at it and wouldnt miss my vien or anything... i yeah so when you get some lemme know and gimme your address or something and ill come over and you can show me how its done

26th July 2001 - 03:55:02 AM
102 : Screech=bastard
Screech you're a fucking idiot and you're site is the dumbest piece of shit i've ever seen in my life. You = the craziest dumbest fucking shit bastard ever.

26th July 2001 - 03:54:09 AM
101 : Otter
you can't spell worth shit..

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