Thursday, October 24, 2019 Guestbook Comments #5101-5200

12th October 2003 - 07:25:40 AM
5200 : car leasing
Car leasing car leasing

12th October 2003 - 06:55:50 AM
5199 : healthworld

12th October 2003 - 03:45:06 AM
5198 : Scrotch
Shoot out somebody's eye with your wad.
Punch that cock like a tetherball.
Headbutt that colon into submission.

12th October 2003 - 01:51:24 AM

12th October 2003 - 12:05:11 AM
5196 :

Sup lover I noticed noone had called meee. I wanna fuck screach in his tight boyhole. I mean be fuked by him in my boy hole.......... yeah and then your father would be out in his winter garden ...... SHUT UP! I worked shoulders last nite and and need som1 with strong muscular hands that you can only achieve from years of beating off like yourself. I heard you wanted to go out with colin macdonald. Call 1-902-564-0257 and ask for colin macdonald and tell him he is a fat faggot and tell him the site.

11th October 2003 - 08:31:45 PM
5195 : utard
Shit on my face.

11th October 2003 - 07:10:34 PM
5194 : tamara
hello How are you doing right no
I don't have hurt about you the couple years
now its a nice homepage bye bye

11th October 2003 - 04:27:56 PM
5193 : Princess Peussie
If love were the answer to the world's problems, then my ass would be dead...SO SAYS PROUD PRINCESS PEUSSIE, of the Royal Court in Mortville. Report: "Yes, it is true. Gordo bit some cock last night during Mass, right there on the altar of love and vanished, and Princess Fluff got IT in the mouth before she took it in the asshole. And we here at the Royal Palace prepare for the High Colonic Celebration of the Virgin Mary. ALL HAIL! I just wrote Pres. Bush and he assured me that he's not really trying to seize the US GOVT. for any self-servicing his pals in BIG BUSINESS, and he's not seizing the Iraq oil wells for himself, but for US...andWOW, fuckers, THAT is great news".....All Hail the Trinity of LOVE: butts, cocks and Ann Coulter, professional dyke!! Amen and hand me the sauce!! Smiles to you, Nana Bezerka....PRINCESS PEUSSIE

11th October 2003 - 03:07:36 PM
5192 : rental car
Rental car rental car

11th October 2003 - 12:52:39 PM
5191 : C18
Remember comrades, outside National Socialism, there is no salvation for whites, and without whites there will be no world. In persuit of an Aryan world, a great many animals will have to be subdue.

Hiel Hitler!

11th October 2003 - 11:16:25 AM
5190 : Refinancing

11th October 2003 - 07:31:42 AM


11th October 2003 - 07:25:16 AM

11th October 2003 - 03:49:23 AM
5187 : Lawyer Dick
I will sue everybody!!!

10th October 2003 - 11:14:17 PM
5186 : wai han paing
why your close on the sex.I want to see it.

10th October 2003 - 07:56:31 PM
5185 :
Get a life Chris

10th October 2003 - 06:05:02 PM
5184 : allinsurancetype
Insurance Rates

10th October 2003 - 03:46:54 PM
5183 : GINA

10th October 2003 - 03:38:25 PM
5182 : Mario Lopez

From the San Diego Tribune:

"Police responded to a noise complaint at approximately 10:45pm at **** ******** Dr. Officers knocked on the front door, but there was no answer. Officers on the scene heard loud screams and moans of passion coming from the upper floor of the house. Officers entered the house through a back entrance and made their way to the upper floor. To their surprise, former "Saved By The Bell" stars Dustin Diamond, and Mario Lopez were engaged in what apeared to be rough gay sex. Lopez was situated on all fours while Diamond spanked his large smooth balls with a ping pong paddle, and pushed a large, black rubber dildo in and out Lopez's anus. Diamond was also instructing Lopez to lick the balls of another large black rubber dildo as he spanked and screwed him."

I'd like to clear this story up. First, the dildos were SMALL and DARK PURPLE in color. Second, Dustin was spanking my balls with a HAIRBRUSH he uses for his nappy jew hair. Thank you.

10th October 2003 - 10:04:50 AM
5181 : Santa

10th October 2003 - 09:56:04 AM
5180 : bill
just trying this thing out to see what it is about

10th October 2003 - 06:30:15 AM
5179 : Bierman
********CEASE AND DESIST********

You people should know it is a crime to falsify information about a celebrity on a domain name with the intent to defame. This serves as a cease and desist. MAX GOLDBERG. This is your notice. Remove the site, or lawsuits will be filed.

10th October 2003 - 05:57:09 AM
5178 : Big Brother Volunteer
When I was a naive little boy Dustin molested me on the set of Saved By The Bell and now I have full blown AIDS!!!1

10th October 2003 - 04:49:33 AM
5177 : joe
jodie marsh email me coz i watched your program laid bare on sky one and i heard you say you wanted wild sex and im looking for the same thing especially with you. think your hardcore enough? ill leave u paralysed

10th October 2003 - 04:45:58 AM
5176 : ?

Oh Kurt u fuking asshole go fuk yourself. You are a selfish excuse for a human being. You are a fucking disgusting fucked up creep. Get a life you fucking loser. Go and play with you fucking action figures and get the hell out of here. You little fucked up rat. Dustin has never done anything to you, you fucking gay cunt so fucking leave him alone. If you are so dsperate for sex go and fuck you dad. Fuk man GET A LIFE.

10th October 2003 - 03:44:43 AM
5175 : Kurt Steinberg
Alex, go fuck yourself, asshole! This is message board is only for queer fans of Dustin Diamond!!! Go to the Belding board.

Diamond, did you ever have gay sex with Max after eating a burger? I want to hook up with you and put my beef in your male taco!!!!

- Kurt Steinberg

10th October 2003 - 02:17:36 AM
5174 : romel

10th October 2003 - 01:37:45 AM
5173 : Patty Poopsuck
Hey Alex, shove it up your goddammned, motherfuckin' asshole, you shit-stained, cocksmokin' assfuck. Have a nice day. P.S. you also suck on gooey lumps of diarreah.

09th October 2003 - 11:45:49 PM
5172 : Slater
I am a homosexual!

09th October 2003 - 10:59:22 PM
5171 : Home Insurance
home insurance

09th October 2003 - 10:14:26 PM


October 2003 - 09:55:01 PM
5169 : CHRIS

09th October 2003 - 08:10:52 PM
5168 : Ya Mummy

09th October 2003 - 08:04:20 PM
5167 : ALEX


09th October 2003 - 07:02:52 PM
5166 : dina
dustin was so adorsble as screech

09th October 2003 - 06:50:13 PM
5165 :

09th October 2003 - 07:03:46 AM
5164 : Slater Skidmark
I've got it!!! Screech gets gangbanged by the guys who played Max, Mylo, Mr. Rogers, and Belding. A four on fucking one, flinging shit and jizz around like a goddamn firehose sprinkler!!! It will be pure gold!

09th October 2003 - 02:29:01 AM
5163 : Kurt Steinberg
Poster 5162, I would pay to see Belding ass-ram Diamond. I'm sure that many of the queers who post here would also pay good money to watch.

I also would love to see Slater take a dump on Diamond! Watching Slater drop a spicy "stanley steamer" on Diamond's head would cause me to quickly lose my load!

- Kurt Steinberg

09th October 2003 - 12:42:03 AM
5162 : Knob
Dusty, I got really excited when i saw you on saved by the bell the other day. you were in the locker room with slater and i got so hard. i want you to cum over and play with my knob!!!my johnson will explode with man juice all over your goatee!!!!

08th October 2003 - 11:11:01 PM
5161 : Who ought to stiff Screech?
I don't know which person from SBTB would look funniest in mid-Screech cornholing (real or strapon accepted), so I'm just going to go with the linebacker from the College Years, with, of course, Mister Belding playing the Dunk Tank from the other end.

08th October 2003 - 07:32:21 PM
5160 : pepe
hey dustin you're the next governator from california!!!

08th October 2003 - 06:01:30 PM
5159 : Cleetus
Go for it, Screech!!! Pound those mahogany beef-curtains like a master, bro!!!!!

08th October 2003 - 05:57:14 PM
5158 : Gwando

I hope terrorists poison your water and you die a slow painful death of your intestines turning to liquid and draining uncontrollably out your ass.

Humanity is worthless.

Heil Hitler

08th October 2003 - 05:48:06 PM
5157 : Salma Hayek
i wont take off my panties

08th October 2003 - 05:40:19 PM
5156 : Lark Vorhees
Hi Dustin, I'm sorry that I shined you on, ignored you, and basically treated you like shit for all those years at Bayside. But, now that you're all grown up, I'd like to say that you're lookin' pretty dammned fine these days - you know, I really wouldn't mind sucking on your cock and balls sometime, maybe even letting you fuck me up my black ass. I want you to lick my honey pot, nibble on my clit, munch my muff, gobble my gash, and quaff my quim-tunnel. P.S. I was only kidding when I told you back then that Jason was my older brother, 'ya big silly!!... But seriously, Dusty Baby, lets get together sometime and participate in some majorly intense ass-reaming - I'll even let you shoot your slimy seed deep within my fragrant cornhole, you rock-hard burning hunk of man-meat, you....

08th October 2003 - 12:56:49 PM
5155 : liz
where are photo's of him, please?

08th October 2003 - 11:21:23 AM
5154 : to ALEX re 5144

Sense is spelled with an "s" and not a "c"! Of course, you have neither sense nor cents!


08th October 2003 - 11:14:26 AM
5153 : Kurt Steinberg
Alex (message 5144), please stop posting here. Go post on Belding's fan board. This message board is for Diamond's fan to exchange gay sex fantasies involving Diamond, which is to what my message relates.

You state that "Dustin has accomplished more 1 year than you have in your whoLE gay fucking life". I beg to differ. Has Diamond ever been sucked off by 3 dudes in a gas station bathroom in West Hollywood? I don't think so!

Get a life, you loser!

- Kurt Steinberg

08th October 2003 - 09:46:22 AM
5152 : b00ga
the only white people who steal cars are wiggas like eminem.

08th October 2003 - 08:12:14 AM
5151 : bliss
Do you still play Saved By the Bell

08th October 2003 - 07:53:35 AM
5150 : MJ Fox
Come on Lisa, I'd pay top fucking dollar for a pair of your sweet soiled panties, what's wrong with you?

08th October 2003 - 05:22:03 AM
5149 : lisa
ok that not who i planed the messages to come out lol..............
anyway what happend to Haim hes the only reason i started writeing to this thing
because my friend said its was the real deal and i think Dimond was hilarious on saved by the bell.......
but anyway where the suposedly corey haim like the best actor on the planet at well he is in my books anyway :)
catch yas later. ;)

08th October 2003 - 05:13:40 AM
5148 : lisa
sure you can have a pair of my panties but you dont have to pay........... because your going to get them shuved down your neck for free... how would you like that??? catch yas later:)
p.s did i say that you also get a free fist with that ;)

08th October 2003 - 04:59:36 AM
5147 : lisa
sure you can have a pair of my panties but you can have them for free because i am going to shuve them down your neck..... how would you like that???
catch yas later.

08th October 2003 - 04:39:34 AM
5146 : Pozzer
White people don't "work" with blacks out of choice message 514, we just have to tolerate them because we're scared and intimidated by them. I'm completely non-racist, I promise, but nothing puts the shits up me like a full blown nigger flaring his/her nostrils.

Hey Alex, leave Kurt alone - he may be a fag but at least he's not a frigging spade.

08th October 2003 - 04:36:38 AM
5145 : Health
health insurance

08th October 2003 - 03:11:14 AM
5144 :
if you dont like black people so much how did you work with Lark Voorhies???

08th October 2003 - 02:19:52 AM
5143 : ALEX
Kurt Steinberg, SHUT THE FUCK UP, how do you know about all this gay shit, ohh let me think.... YOUR GAY. And all this shit that your saying about Dustin Diamond doesnt really make sence man. Dustin has accomplished more 1 year than you have in your whoLE gay fucking life

08th October 2003 - 01:23:06 AM
5142 : Kurt Steinberg
Two of hearts (message 5142), I hear that song a lot when I go to my local gay bar. I also hear "It's Raining Men" all the time! Those are probably a couple of Diamond's favorite songs.

Diamond, you should have campaigned for Arnold Schwarzenegger. If you had, Arnold would have won 80% of the vote in California! Your forum webpage indicated that you were running for governor. However, I didn't see your name on the ballot. Someday you really should run for governor. You're a lock to secure the queer vote!!!

- Kurt Steinberg

08th October 2003 - 01:04:56 AM
5141 : Two of Hearts
Do any of you queens listen to Stacey Q???

 07th October 2003 - 10:59:44 PM
5140 : yypensic ;D
you vz farg do u wop deex igo porfes aquinzpo otat hsire muhya dsrtbaasx. tyfer aopec kiiwas. ecalos ahkana reueblals.

07th October 2003 - 10:24:03 PM
5139 : Tasha
I think you were such a cutie in SBTB. Anyone who dosen't like you or the show needs to shut up and change the channel! I'm gonna buy your new movie. Rude people are stupid so don't let them get you down. My family(mom s.sis +2 s.bros husband parents-in-law 2sis-in-law and one bro-in-law) said to say hey and we think your coooool! Watching you on t.v. keeps the kids busy while they get ready for h.s. keep up the good acting.

07th October 2003 - 09:48:44 PM
5138 : Andy Johnson
Hello again,
I sent you an email,but would be very interested to see what you have to say about the ins and outs of getting into the "business",as your website says will be happening this fall.Please let me know when this info will be posted.Thanks so much.

07th October 2003 - 07:49:06 PM
5137 : ALEX
LOL, he Lisa, just to tell you that i am from Australia :), and by the way, there is nothing worng with black people, infact there is a lot of white people who steal cars as well bOOga, and pozzer ur one stupid fuck to me. SCREECH RULZ :D

07th October 2003 - 07:29:17 PM
5136 : tranny
HAHAHA this is funny.

07th October 2003 - 06:43:37 PM
5135 : Dove Sack
Yo, whats this shit u keep sayin about niggas man? whats up wit that? I saw u at the club in la last summer i shouldve busted your ass then, but your whole crew was wit u, macauley, the problem child kid, and that lil punk wesley from mr belvedear, and plus all your armed bodyguards and shit but thats aiight, ill be seeing you soon when you come to san diego on the screech bus for the "screeching to a halt in your town" tour...punk ass mutha!!!!
"Feel tha blast from the chocolate bomber, infrared aimed at your head like your name was sarah conner": Dr. Dre(featuring Ice Cube)- "Natural Born Killaz"

07th October 2003 - 06:37:17 PM
5134 : M J Fox
Lisa, would you consider selling me a pair of your worn panties please? If you could wear them when you're doing your toilet I'd really appreciate it.

Is it true that you've got full blown AIDs? That's awesome.

07th October 2003 - 06:32:03 PM
5133 : Pozzer
Don't get me wrong b00ga, I love black people, I just couldn't eat a whole one.

07th October 2003 - 04:41:01 PM
5132 : b00ga
what's wrong with black people? other than the fact that they steal cars, they're just like you and me.

07th October 2003 - 03:12:27 PM
5131 : Pozzer
Kellie- Dusty hates blacks because they're thieving bastards.

07th October 2003 - 02:41:25 PM
5130 : werrj

07th October 2003 - 02:20:35 PM
5129 : weraj
show the fucking stile

07th October 2003 - 01:15:10 PM
5128 : lisa
hey people just wanted to ask where you are all from............?

catch yas later ;)

07th October 2003 - 11:16:39 AM
5127 : Kelly
Hey, Two things:
1) Screech was the best thing about Saved By the Bell, like it or not and I'm not going to go into detail because you people aren't worth my time, not to mention that you're all stupid. (Except Alex, lol and the foreign people because I can't understand you)
2) You better check this in the morning and figure out that it's me, becuase I wrote in it becuase you wanted me to. Have a good day at school, while I sleep in, hehe, BAAII.

07th October 2003 - 09:43:21 AM
5126 : player
Hope to see you in this site.
Thank you. Serjiu

07th October 2003 - 08:47:45 AM
5125 : Assi
Keine Ahnung auf was für a seite ich bin ey. Naja schreib hal einfach hier rein also dann sergus und fuck you einfach!!!

07th October 2003 - 08:17:35 AM
5124 : ALEX
WHAT THE FACK ISWRONG WITH YOU FACKERZ, screech is a fucking champion, he is the one who was keeping saved by the bell alive u stupid facks, i dunno wat u guyz have against him, but i think that he is a fackin champion. And all this shit that you talk about niggaz and all that bullshit, i dunno if its true or not, but even if it is (i dont think so) swho fucking cares, its his life, he can think hwatever he facken wants, and if you dont like it, well try doing something about it.

And stop fucking saying shit about him and SBTB, your fucking discrase, if you dont like the show, dont fucking watch it. All you people are fucked in the head, screech is a legend of SBTB, and whats all this shit saying about him fackin his dad and shit, thats fucking childish man, orr maybe all you people are fucking 11 or 12 year olds who wouldnt have a clue what to say except fack him, fack his dad etc..AGAIN, IF YOU DONT LIKE THE SHOW, FACK OFF OR SOMETHING DONT WATCH IT THEN.STUPID FUCKHEADS ALL 5123 OF U PPL

07th October 2003 - 08:07:46 AM
5123 : ALEX
WHAT THE FACK ISWRONG WITH YOU FACKERZ, screech is a fucking champion, he is the one who was keeping saved by the bell alive u stupid facks, i dunno wat u guyz have against him, but i think that he is a fackin champion. And all this shit that you talk about niggaz and all that bullshit, i dunno if its true or not, but even if it is (i dont think so) swho fucking cares, its his life, he can think hwatever he facken wants, and if you dont like it, well try doing something about it.

And stop fucking saying shit about him and SBTB, your fucking discrase, if you dont like the show, dont fucking watch it. All you people are fucked in the head, screech is a legend of SBTB, and whats all this shit saying about him fackin his dad and shit, thats fucking childish man, orr maybe all you people are fucking 11 or 12 year olds who wouldnt have a clue what to say except fack him, fack his dad etc..AGAIN, IF YOU DONT LIKE THE SHOW, FACK OFF OR SOMETHING DONTWATCH IT THEN.STUPID FUCKHEADS ALL 256 OF U PPL

07th October 2003 - 05:05:09 AM
5122 : farginbeldo
I must have your toilet cam!!!

07th October 2003 - 02:24:30 AM
5121 : none of your buisness
I think you are a ignorint ugly person who thinks he is still famous but the reality of it
is no one gives a fuck about you

07th October 2003 - 02:14:26 AM
5120 : Kellie
I was woundering
if you still speak to any of the other cast members from SBTB and why dont you like Black people?

07th October 2003 - 01:45:32 AM
5119 : me
i smell.

07th October 2003 - 01:44:13 AM
5118 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, if Macauley Culkin won't lick your balls, then why are you dating him? Does he at least toss your salad?

When is your next Saved By The Bell DVD set coming out? You need to some some extras on the next set. For example, you could include the E! Saved By The Bell story, or the rumored shower sex episode involving you, Slater, and Belding.

By the way Diamond, I did not post message 5111. There are many fake posters here, but I'm glad that you, the real Dustin Diamond, posted message 5118. I love you!!!

- Kurt Steinberg

06th October 2003 - 10:24:18 PM
5117 : Dustin Diamond


I'm Dustin Diamond; "Screech" from Saved By The Bell. This is NOT my official homepage on the web. Please, do not be fooled. My official page will be starting up around Jan-Feb 2004. I decided that it was time for my hundreds of millions of fans to have a place to read about me, and interact with me. My site will feature "Screech's toliet cam", "Screech's fart audio", "Screech's favorite porno list", "Screech's guide to beating the marginal tax rate on U.S. future's investments, including corn futures" and much much more. I'd also like to clarify these statements made about me: 1) I DO NOT like niggers 2) I have fucked a gay hitchhiker only ONCE 3) I DID lose my right nipple in a freak body shaving accident 4) I am dating Macauley Culkin, but NO, he doesnt lick my balls 5) IWONT be going to jail for an attempted assasination of a Las Vegas Shaquille O'Neal impersonator.
~Screech "Gee Zack, Kelly wouldnt appreciate us messing with her rubber dong" SBTB #206 May 5th 1993

06th October 2003 - 10:02:06 PM
5116 : Mr. Belding
Screech, please please return my calls or my emails. I need your gorgous cock and tender balls in my mouth soo bad baby. The last time we were together, and my cock was pumping in and out of your boy hole, I fell in LOVE with you! Ill give everything I have to you, house, car, keys to the highschool, ANYTHING! I sniff and lick and the cum stain you left on my couch every night, and would DIE to have your love juice smeared across my forehead again. Please call me baby, remember the times we had in Hawaii? On the cruises we took? on our long strolls through run down black neighborhoods, where we'd taunt the drug addicted blacks until they beat us around the ass and balls until we exploded with pleasure??!! Lets do it again sweet thing!
LOve, Mr. Belding

06th October 2003 - 09:51:45 PM
5115 : Screech Disciple
My god, I check this site 4-5 times a day. I LOVE IT!!! Thanks Screech for giving your fans a place to hang!!!

I was really deep in the trenches of humanity, full of pain and anger and didnt even want to live. Then I heard a bell ring. Literally. It was the opening theme of the show "Saved by the bell". I can truly say I was saved by the bell. I pulled the shotgun out of my mouth, and for the first time in my life, I saw someone I could relate to. The geeky little kid called screech. The more I watched him, the more I loved him. I began to model my own life after his, and the pain and hurt began to leave me. I dont consider this just a positive role model, I consider this a religious experience. Thats why I took my life savings and built a $35,000.00 shrine to screech in my home. 3 times a day I worship at his beautiful feet. Then I make my rounds here at the webpage. Screech, I owe you my life, and now my soul. Thank you for saving me!!! You are my idol, hero, and GOD!!!!Screech for eternity

06th October 2003 - 05:56:10 PM
5114 : prob3d
Hey "Screech", remember when your show was on and people almost gave a fuck about you?

06th October 2003 - 05:30:15 PM
5113 : Arnie Assfuck
I wanna stick my throbbing meatstick up your tight, puckered asshole and then have you lick the shit off of it afterwards. I suck monkey cock so eat me you cum guzzling faggot.

06th October 2003 - 02:16:04 PM
5112 : 4840 Rotary Catedral Asuncion central 21 Py Paraguay . I just visited your excelant HOME PAGE .HELLO FROM SOUTH AMERIQUE

06th October 2003 - 02:11:31 PM
5111 :

06th October 2003 - 01:59:44 PM
5110 : Kurt Steinburg
FUCKING Black pubic hair! Fuck you vehement pubic lice and ass luvers. I hope your asses burn at 2000 degrees celcius. I hope your rolaids pop out of your ass like bullets as a man's dick gets shoved in your throat. I hope you all choke on feces and vomit that your manluvvers make after they suck the cum out of your stinky, warty rod. After I manluv your mighty bun of submissivity, I like to scoop out the fudge and mix it up with my sticky paste of naughtiness and then shoot it out on the wall to create art work.

06th October 2003 - 10:46:57 AM
5109 :
shitty website

06th October 2003 - 10:04:00 AM
5108 : Dustin Diamond
Thank you all for coming to my website. I am currently in the hospital because a tracter entered my anal crevice.

06th October 2003 - 09:09:14 AM
5107 :
TOO powerfull Uma Thurman Austin TO powers

06th October 2003 - 07:56:05 AM
5106 : Panty Pisser

Having recently discovered the delights on offer at e-bay, the huge number of internet 'shops' selling panties (some of which openly welcome male pantie wearers), I'm struck by the apparent divide into full briefs (sometimes called Mama-knickers over here in UK) and bikinis.

My theory is that if you started out wearing your mother's panties you'll be drawn to wear full briefs, and if you started out wearing your sister's panties (as I did) then you'll want to wear something a bit skimpier. What do people think? Does anyone here enjoy sniffing and beating off with their sisters/moms panties?

06th October 2003 - 05:28:09 AM
5105 : W.D
Please give me a complete introduction about physics science.

06th October 2003 - 02:44:14 AM
5104 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, let's hook up with Slater next Saturday. We can go to Skybar (which supposedly you frequent with Corey Feldman) and then we can rent a bedroom at the Skybar's hotel for some queer lovin'! Slater and I can have fun contest - the first one of us to squirt our respective loads in your eye is the winner! You can toss the winner's salad! So, in reality, everyone is a winner!!!

- Kurt Steinberg

06th October 2003 - 02:20:20 AM
5103 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, let's hook up with Slater next Saturday. We can go to Skybar (which supposedly you frequent with Corey Feldman) and then we can rent a bedroom at the Skybar's hotel for some queer lovin'! Slater and I can have fun contest - the first one of us to squirt our respective loads in your eye is the winner! You can toss the winner's salad! So, in reality, everyone is a winner!!!

- Kurt Steinberg

06th October 2003 - 02:08:39 AM
5102 : xp55uber

06th October 2003 - 02:03:53 AM
5101 : Ben Delorean
Prositute: $100/hour
Dwarf Prositute: $400/hour
Veiwing shitty made websites: Priceless

You would think for an pretty famous actor, he would have a decent made website. My goal in life is to sleep with the entire cast from Save By The Bell. check out

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