02nd April 2003 - 09:25:43 PM
2500 : ghdf
02nd April 2003 - 09:25:37 PM
2499 : f
02nd April 2003 - 08:57:26 PM
How can you guys argue about the true beauty that is Saved by the Bell and Screech? Isn't it obvious?! Screech MADE that show, you all KNOW IT!
02nd April 2003 - 07:24:37 PM
2497 : karl greenhalgh
i love gay porn!
02nd April 2003 - 07:16:17 PM
2496 : Geeks are funny
Mel and Charlie were soooooo right, and no one calls people stupid asses, that is so fucking lame!!!!!!, anyhoo, this is a very painfull site, and I feel really stupid for looking @ it, and they r right ! a pillow bitin', fudge-packin', donut-punchin' wiener, who only acted in one show, and let's face it wasn't even funny !!!!!!!!
02nd April 2003 - 06:47:30 PM
2495 : Timscanner
Dustin's Friend you too are a pillow biter. Take it easy Cum Bum.
02nd April 2003 - 01:55:13 PM
2494 : Dustin's Friend
You guys can rag on Dustin all you want, but the truth is that I bet you that 99.9% of you would trade lives with him in an instant. He is famous, while you turdburglars are too busy slamming people on websites like this and jerking off to pictures of Britney's new nipplering.
The fact is that chicks dig him big time. At Top Dog, where we went drinking at last summer, no less than 50 hot chicks came up to Dustin and were all over him like a cheap suit. Hugging and Kissing and getting their pictures taken with him. It got so bad that we got moved upstairs to the VIP section and had a security guy watching over us, whose sole job was to make sure no one fucked with Dustin. Some drunken frat dudes were heckling him for beating up Horschak on Fox's Celebrity boxing. But then again, those guys didnt have a single girl talking to them. So they were just jealous.
Dustin Rocks.. But man, this site really sucks.. Who in the hell chose Neon Green and Baby Blue as a color scheme..
02nd April 2003 - 01:43:52 PM
2493 : alphalio
I actually know the real Dustin Diamond as part of his Dustin Diamond teaches Chess website. He and I went drinking at a Chess tournament last year, Dollar Bud night! Anyways, I doubt this is Dustin's real page.. I will drop him an email and find out. He knows my email so he can reach me if it really is him.
02nd April 2003 - 01:32:23 PM
2492 : karina
i kinda think he is top i really like him he is so funny
02nd April 2003 - 01:19:40 PM
2491 : Dustin Diamond
Too much negative stuff being posted. I,m closing down this site tomorrow. Sorry to all my true fans, but I cannot read this shit any longer.
02nd April 2003 - 01:18:06 PM
2490 : Crazy Idiot is a stupid ass
Fuck off my site man!
Dustin Diamond
02nd April 2003 - 12:03:25 PM
2489 : Dustin Diamond
I,m gay too!
02nd April 2003 - 12:02:43 PM
2488 : Mel and Charlie
We are gay and proud of it!
02nd April 2003 - 10:41:34 AM
2487 : some guy who listens to jjj
why are there 2616 posts on such a bad site? with nothing but a guestbook
02nd April 2003 - 10:13:27 AM
2486 : josh
hi does anypne know if and where i can buy any saved by the bell items?
02nd April 2003 - 08:57:18 AM
2485 : chezz
hehehe mel and charlie were right, this page is very painful. and bight, fluro green is not easy on the eyes...
02nd April 2003 - 08:00:54 AM
2484 : Gill
If you thought your life was in the basement welcome to the sewer
02nd April 2003 - 07:59:12 AM
2483 : kev
Nice one Mel and Charlie although....................DustinWho??
02nd April 2003 - 07:26:51 AM
2482 : Lib
yep, mel and charlie brought us here too. well there's a few precious minutes we'll never get back. but if I ever feel bad about myself at least I know there is someone else out there who is way sadder than me :D
02nd April 2003 - 06:39:17 AM
2481 : r1sk
im elite and have a webpage with even more gay gifs and bright manloving colours......
02nd April 2003 - 06:31:50 AM
2480 : Cinta
Hehe, look how much traffic Mel & Charlie brought here.
02nd April 2003 - 06:28:06 AM
2479 : Ryan
By the way, Dustin Diamond would not have made this site.. It's just like that trailer park site where there are just random pictures of ugly fucks... only in america huh HAHA
02nd April 2003 - 06:27:02 AM
2478 : Ryan
Mel and Charlie rock, but Will and Adam ARE BETTER!!!! If you read this will and adam, nice gag on april fools :D
02nd April 2003 - 06:17:11 AM
2477 : tara
mell and charlie said this page was crap and they were right i should have followed their advice
02nd April 2003 - 06:00:02 AM
2476 : Dave again
i was exspecting so much more.
I came here after listening to Triple J.
I cant believe its real.
Diamond your poor sad has been.
why why why why why why why why why why why why why why!
02nd April 2003 - 05:59:43 AM
2475 : Annika
Thankyou. Thankyou. Thankyou. My life is now complete.
02nd April 2003 - 05:57:43 AM
2474 : Chris
G'day, what is the name of the band dustin plays bass for i heard a track on the radio (Triple J) and it was cool. i need to know the name of the band so i can get the CD.
P.S. Dustin you REALLY have to get a way to filter these guest book entries.
P.P.S. Tom and all you other inbred CUM FARTS need a hobby....why would you go to a site if you just going to piss and moan about it.....maybe im being to hard on tom and the other ingrown anal hairs, i supose if i was a fat, sexualy represed, 40 year old, virgin living in my moms basement i might be just as desperatly sexualy frustrated and abusive as they are ........but im not, sooooo tom go back to the anal loving shit eating cock smoking necro porn on the other window and stay there
P.P.P.S. please enter your lame come back above to embaras & shame you self further.
02nd April 2003 - 05:52:04 AM
2473 : Dave
why why why.
02nd April 2003 - 05:34:27 AM
2472 : joeby
i dont no wat everyone is on about....
screech, big up ya self! you down right rule!
shame about the website though... i was exspecting so much more.... all i get is a
guestbook... wats up with that?!
"what ever you do there will always be someone that doesent like you for it"
02nd April 2003 - 04:56:49 AM
2471 : CrazyIdiot
on second thought.... I love this page...... it takes balls to make a web page... and claim that you can act... AND TEACH IT TO OTHERS!!!!
Dustin... this page made me laugh, therefore IT ROCKS
02nd April 2003 - 04:51:10 AM
2470 : CrazyIdiot
I came here after listening to Triple J (excellent Australian radio!)... and I must say I am suprised.
I thought this page would be all shithouse with a load of crappy info that no body cares about.... oh wait it is...
Dustin... you so gay...
I mean you dont even have one fucking link to ANYTHING useful.. dickead...
still.. his band Salty the pocket-knife isnt that bad..
but he's such a dick..
02nd April 2003 - 03:58:46 AM
2469 : tom
thank you
02nd April 2003 - 03:58:25 AM
2468 : tom
we feel for you, ddc.
we feel for you.
*one moments silence, please*
02nd April 2003 - 03:56:55 AM
2467 : Dustin Diamond's cock
god, i'm so bored down here... all i ever get is that same damn hand, over and over...
i really think i'm losing it :(
it takes me all day now to relieve myself, and it hurts like hell everytime.
stupid dustin. stupid, stupid dustin.
yeah i know he's a sad pathetic bastard who no-one likes but it's ME who suffers..!
Life's not fair! fuck you, dustin, FUCK YOU!
show some empathy! please..! ...
02nd April 2003 - 03:40:26 AM
2466 : Bob
Mr Diamond your poor sad has been.
02nd April 2003 - 03:33:25 AM
2465 : Lucy
I think dustin is hot and i wasnt to lick his little curls real bad.... He can dust me anytime
02nd April 2003 - 03:32:15 AM
2464 : kim
one qustion I have about this sight
But thanks to charlie and mel for pointing it out even if its just for the homepage song
02nd April 2003 - 03:31:43 AM
2463 : The Lounge Jesus
mi god jjj is playing the song
02nd April 2003 - 03:30:00 AM
2462 : Cinta
Hey Mel & Charlie brought me here.
You guys crack me up.
I cant believe its really here.
02nd April 2003 - 03:13:21 AM
2461 : tom
hey mel and charlie, love the show :)
i gotta admit that john edward, tom, dustin diamond, frank, jim and doug were all me. sorry dustin :D
i'm amazed that this site exists...
poor dustin diamond, heheh..
is it really true that his middle name is Neil?!
that's messed up, what a poor bastard, hehe..
this is kinda weak of me i know, but i'm bored and hate this guy so much.
anyway, i'll keep listening to your show ;)
see ya
ps: that song you played with dustin on bass was such a good song... so good that you only need to hear it once, or even no times! brilliant, incredible and amazing are 3 words that don't describe that song at all. In fact, the song is *so good* that i only had to hear 10 seconds of it before it just got too damn good to listen to.
well done dustin.
02nd April 2003 - 03:06:59 AM
2460 : Alexis
You are my hero Dustin. If i was on saved by the bell, I would have gone for you!, not Zach or AC.
02nd April 2003 - 02:54:53 AM
2459 : John Edward
I'd have to say that I'm definitely a bigger douche than Dustin Diamond. In fact, I
kinda like the guy... sexually... *gasp*
02nd April 2003 - 02:50:57 AM
2458 : tom
ha ha ha! fuck you fuck you fuck you! HA HA HA! you stupid, STUPID fuckshit... what a complete fucking ass-rammer... i hate you! HATE YOU! HAA HAA HAA HAA HAA!! my God, you idiot... you stupid fucking idiot...
02nd April 2003 - 02:47:02 AM
2457 : Dustin Diamond
hey guyz
whatz cookin?
i'm pretty kewl right now... juz chillin
y'all a bunch of wicked-ass peeps ;)
-The Dustmiester
02nd April 2003 - 02:43:46 AM
2456 : Crappy Charlie Pickering Impersonater
"Dustin Diamond's a fucking champion"
02nd April 2003 - 02:42:31 AM
2455 : Frank
no need to say it twice, Jim ;)
but i agree, Dustin Diamond is possibly the largest douche in the entire history of douchedom :)
so, fuck you Dustin, HA! HA! HA!
even more hate than from Jim from Frank :)
:) :) :)
02nd April 2003 - 02:41:33 AM
2454 : Uber Tim
Jim, we heard you the first time.
Still need a scanner.
02nd April 2003 - 02:39:36 AM
2453 : Jim
hi dustin
i'm with doug: you definately are a giant douche :)
lots of hate from Jim :)
02nd April 2003 - 02:39:00 AM
2452 : Jim
hi dustin
i'm with doug: you definately are a giant douche :)
lots of hate from Jim :)
02nd April 2003 - 02:36:14 AM
2451 : doug
hi dustin
you are a douche :)
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