19th March 2003 - 03:48:15 PM
2000 : Lianne
Whoa - you mean, like, pornography?
19th March 2003 - 03:47:01 PM
1999 : Dustin Diamond
Just to let you know - the site may have to be closed in a week or so. I'm having some trouble with some questionable material I downloaded - apparently it isn't legal in this state, which is just ridiculous. Anyhoo, the Schreechster may have to stop using the internet for a while. But don't worry - "I'll be back".
19th March 2003 - 03:45:09 PM
Hey all you fine chicks out there!! Wanna party in Hollywood? Call me at 315-336-6990.
19th March 2003 - 03:39:08 PM
1997 : Dustin Diamond
Stop it!! You pretzels!!!! I'm a nationally ranked chess player!! Fuck off!! Stop it, you pretzels!! lol!! Fuck off!! I play chess!! lol!!!
19th March 2003 - 03:38:42 PM
1996 : CELESTE
19th March 2003 - 03:36:22 PM
1995 : Yuri Geller
Please. Someone!! MATE WITH MY HEART!!!!
19th March 2003 - 03:35:53 PM
1994 : Yuri Geller
I too am a nationally ranked chess player. I play the chess of love. I wait for Mrs Right to move into check and mate with my heart.
19th March 2003 - 03:33:56 PM
1993 : Charlie
Just thought that this was intresting, and a girl like me has got to have something to entertain her!
19th March 2003 - 03:33:50 PM
1992 : l337 d00d
Ewww!!! b4rf 0ut!! joo guys R, leik, h0m0g4ys!! Eww!!
Do joo leik ech 0th3r, homogays?/ My gR4mmy s4ys homog4yz R th3 d3vIL!111!
19th March 2003 - 03:11:34 PM
1991 : Mr Snrub
19th March 2003 - 03:10:12 PM
1990 : Dustin Snrub
I love you Mr Snrub!
19th March 2003 - 03:09:51 PM
1989 : Mr Snrub
Dustin, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?
19th March 2003 - 02:46:56 PM
1988 : Dustin DIamond
Stop it. I'm a nationally ranked chess player. I rule. Fuck off you stupid ass pretzels.
19th March 2003 - 02:17:14 PM
1987 : chris
i love dustin email me back plz
19th March 2003 - 02:09:25 PM
1986 : Unknown Visitor
Chafe's a genius!
19th March 2003 - 02:08:45 PM
1985 : Mysterious Stranger
I like the way Chafe thinks!
19th March 2003 - 02:08:33 PM
1984 : Chafe
You, sir, are an arse!!
19th March 2003 - 02:07:22 PM
1983 : Grolsch?
It's impossible to be sure if this is some kind of joke or not. If it is, it's hilarious. If not then I hope you fall down some stairs and break your legs.
19th March 2003 - 02:05:38 PM
1982 : JonnynrOne
19th March 2003 - 02:05:05 PM
1981 : Tamara
Hi hah I think your the coolest screech
19th March 2003 - 12:28:17 PM
1980 : Fool
'most greatest actor'? what the fuck kind of shit grammar is that Jamie Borg? Learn to speak, then get better taste in actors.
19th March 2003 - 12:27:03 PM
1979 : hope this fucks up your site
19th March 2003 - 12:26:40 PM
1978 : hope this fucks up your site
table cellspacing="0" border="0" width="600" tr td bgcolor="#00CCFF"
table cellspacing="0" border="0" width="600" tr td bgcolor="#00CCFF"
table cellspacing="0" border="0" width="600" tr td bgcolor="#00CCFF"
table cellspacing="0" border="0" width="600" tr td bgcolor="#00CCFF"
19th March 2003 - 12:21:10 PM
1977 : Jamie Borg
Please write to me! You are the most greatest actor in 'saved by the bell'!
19th March 2003 - 12:11:50 PM
1976 : You suck donkey dick
19th March 2003 - 12:08:52 PM
1975 : G
Dustin Diamond is a good person, please no more nasty posts about him, thanks
19th March 2003 - 11:58:15 AM
1974 : Dustin Diamond
Please stop making fun of me, it's not fair. And just for the record, i love the cock so all you bitchs out there who want a piece of me don't stand a chance because i'm 100% gay!!!
19th March 2003 - 10:52:05 AM
1973 : Not A Fan
Yeah, I'm sure this is Dustin Diamond's website. Is that why "Screech" is spelled wrong on the title page? This is just some new squatter-poser, and it's not even that amusing. I mean, sure, Dustin sucks, and will never work in television again, but I'm sure he's crying into a large handful of 100 dollar bills, unless he let his parents take it.
19th March 2003 - 10:00:55 AM
1972 : Brandon Novak
Yes You are not gay riiiiight *coff* gay *coff*
19th March 2003 - 09:25:18 AM
1971 : Dustin Diamond
Hey!!! All you fags out there! Stop posting at my site! If you don,t have something nice to say, then go to Mr. Belding,s website or something. Fuck you all!! I hate being remembered as Screech...and I hated being the fuckin "NERD" of the show. In case you haven,t guessed...I,m a grown man now, and I need major PUSSY just like any other guy. So, any fine "white trash" bitches out there, leave your e-mail address so I can get in touch with you. No nigger women please....they smell like shit when you pull their panties down. No GAY MEN either!!! I,m tired of cock...it,s time to try some pussy!! Your friend, Dustin Diamond (aka Screech)
19th March 2003 - 03:39:14 AM
1970 : FleaFlicker
You are the greatest actor of all time.
19th March 2003 - 02:53:07 AM
1969 : kily
i fuck all day and ifuck all night
19th March 2003 - 02:26:51 AM
1968 : Vanilla Ice
Aw yeah! I heard you 'wuz having sex with Eminem. Eminem, you need to be grateful to me and Dre because we paved the way, fool. If not, i'll eat eminems like candy and send you back to detroit wearing panties! Dustin would cream if he saw that!!!
19th March 2003 - 01:36:22 AM
1967 : John Erb
Hi Dustin! I just started watching you on the show Saved by The Bell. I think your really funny and you do a good job on the show. I saw on tv that you are a comedyan too. Will you ever be doing your comedy show near Austin, Texas? And if you will be in Texas, what dates do you perform?
Johnny Erb
19th March 2003 - 01:33:07 AM
1966 : Melissa
I totally enjoyed you show in Pocatello last Friday night! I would truly like to apologize for all the alcohol you were imposed upon by everyone. I was wondering if it was possible to get a schedule of your show here or in Vegas because I still have to have proof I went to your stand up performance. But I also wanted to remind you once again that holding it can hurt you!(if you can remember anything from tha night after the 4 shots of Jack, and 5?(maybe 6) shots of goldschlauger(I don't drink that often to know how to spell that) ANYWAYS... I should get to the point that I started :) I let you go pee before I had my picture taken with you) I'll be visiting Vegas quite often to see my son and boyfriend and would love to take him to a performance when I'm down there 'cuz I don't think you will be back to "Poke-a-hell-hole" anytime soon. (unless you get a wild hair up you ass and decide to for what ever reason) So, now that I have written you a novel, Please let me know when you're performing in Vegas
18th March 2003 - 10:41:18 PM
1965 : danTES
Dustin whenever I was watching Thundercats my borther would storm into the room and switch it over to the facts of life or saved by the bell. Whenever I tried to grab the converter and watch thundercats he would charlie horse me over and over again with his heel. I would always have to leave the room and go watch tv somewhere else. I have still never watched any of saved by the bell. However, seeing you take on Carlton and Rudy on the Weakest Link was almost as entertaining as wrestling. I'm sorry carlton voted against you because he was having dinner with Rudy and her parents later that week. Do you like apples? How do you like them apples? You know I asked luke if he liked apples. Me pat luke and jacquie all laughed pretty hard about that one.
18th March 2003 - 10:14:56 PM
1964 : annie
do you still ever talk to mr. belding?
18th March 2003 - 10:06:54 PM
1963 : Dustin
Hey Stanley! You can blow me! This is MY website....and if you don,t approve, then kiss my cock-lovin ass!!
18th March 2003 - 09:52:10 PM
1962 : stanley
Nice Try. The intentionally annoying colors, the horrible pic, the html and spelling errors ... but I think the little frog was what really gave it away. Nice touch, that.
Whoever is holding Dustin's domain hostage like this, you are very cruel. Cybersquatting for money is one thing, but this is just plain mean.
Oh, and could you try to make it funnier?
I guess what I'm trying to say is... you could at least make it funnier. Same goes for some of you
18th March 2003 - 09:18:11 PM
1961 : Lisa
. . .just a tad bit too scary for me!
18th March 2003 - 09:02:09 PM
1960 : jendoof
dear skreech. i'm really glad that you were in other things besides s.b.t.b. that was such a terrible role and i'm glad that you got to stretch out a bit out side of being the teenage dumbass.
love always,
18th March 2003 - 08:34:33 AM
1959 : SyKo
This ISN'T a pick-up board!
18th March 2003 - 05:51:08 AM
1958 : sahar
hi every one iam looking for nice girl or guy
iam 18 years old female who lives in birmingham
i will be happy if u send me some thing
love rose
hishta at.talk21.com
18th March 2003 - 02:18:52 AM
1957 : Erics Staats
dustin, I want you so badly!! do you still live inWisconsin?? I can drive to your place for some man-love!!! i shall tie you up and whip you until you sre very tame! then i'll blow my wad all over you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aw yeah!!!
- Staats
17th March 2003 - 09:29:55 PM
1956 : Ben Krygsman
Hello Mum Sending from school
17th March 2003 - 08:03:31 PM
1955 : Curious Fan
is your dad really neil diamond?
17th March 2003 - 03:47:42 PM
1954 : Chris
If this is the real Dustin Diamond, I just wanted to say that I was at your show in Idaho Falls on the 15th of March and that was the best show I have been to in a long time! You totally broke the "ScreecH" mold quite quickly and got to know the Dust better. Keep doing those dick and fart jokes and come back to Idaho FAlls anytime
17th March 2003 - 03:33:02 PM
1953 : SyKo
By the way, that wasn't the real Dustin Sarah. Just some idiotic little moron who can't get a f'n life!
17th March 2003 - 03:27:00 PM
1952 : Dustin Diamond
Sarah, I got your e-mail, and I,m sending you your request. I,m also sending you a pair of my dirty underwear so that you can make soup. Just boil a large pot of water...drop in some carrots, onions, potatoes, and season to taste. Cook for 20 minutes.... drop my drawers into the pot and cook for another 45 minutes. Enjoy!! You little whore!!
17th March 2003 - 03:20:27 PM
1951 : Cockman
Fuck you Sarah, get a fucking life you fat pimply loser.
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